part 34

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The car rolled to a stop. Jungkook opened the door only to hear the sound of ocean waves crashing.

She brought me all the way to Busan to take me to the beach..

Y/n took off her boots and hat and left them in the car, and Jungkook quickly did the same. 

"Oh, my toes are cold now," she laughed and scrunched her nose as her bare feet hit the sand.

Jungkook caught light of her face in the moonlight. He could see her smile as she turned to face the ocean, wind blowing her hair back.

She really is beautiful. Inside and out.

"It's dark, be careful," Jungkook called out as he shyly reached for her hand to grab. There was silence between them as they just let it happen.

Y/n led the way as they walked closer to the water. Jungkook's camera was hanging around his neck. Suddenly, he didn't want to record videos or take photos every second.

He wanted to be there.

With Y/n.

The only good thing to come from this disaster was you, Y/n.

Jungkook smiled to himself.

He let go of Y'n's hand just to casually throw his arm around her shoulder instead.

Maybe just one photo. I want this moment.

He pulled out his phone.

"Let's take a picture together," he asked.

Y/n obliged him as he pulled her into him to take a photo as the front camera flash came on. They both smiled for the photo but Y/n manage to put up a peace sign.

"You have an expensive camera but still use your phone," she teased, but soon was pestering him to send her the photo. He couldn't help but feel comfortable around Y/n. Like a very old, good friend. He looked at the photo of them and smiled.

"Well, I can't post it anywhere from my camera, but I can from my phone," he explained. He had opened up his Instagram, where he had spent most of the morning clearing off photos of IU, and quickly posted the photo and shared it to Twitter with the caption:

evening ramen and the beach, thank you @y/n for a much needed breather

He heard Y/n's phone ding as she got the notification that she was tagged.

"Hey! You posted it before I could, jerk. We can't post the same photo!"

He laughed at her and grabbed her phone. 

He kissed her on the cheek playfully and snapped the photo mid-kiss.

She grabbed her phone back and her eyes grew big as Jungkook could just feel that her face was turning red, even in the dark.

"Post that one," he smirked.

"Jungkook! I can't post that on you idiot," she laughed as she smacked him on the shoulder.

Impulsively, Jungkook took her hand again and just prayed she wouldn't question him. The overwhelming feeling of wanting to just be with her from the second he saw her was undeniable. Something about her was so comforting.

Maybe all of this was to lead me to you.

Maybe this endless emptiness stops here.

Maybe this heartbreak stops here.

Maybe.. I find what I'm looking for in you.

Y/n had long let go of his hand to go kick around in the water, thoroughly enjoying the brisk, cold water running over her feet as she walked in the sand. Jungkook watched her from a distance, hands in his pockets, entranced with everything she did.

Every turn of her body, kick of her feet. The way her hair moved out of the way in the wind. The way she would turn to smile at him and wave to see if he was still standing there.

He suddenly didn't feel so bad anymore, at least in that moment.

Whatever he had with IU was over. This was now.

He could feel as drawn to Y/n as he truly felt.

The way she smiled. The way she always smelled nice. The way she laughed. The way she made sure others were taken care of. The way she pouted. The way she cried. The ways she cared.

He wanted to experience all of these aspects of her.

Now he could.

Maybe it was the alcohol talking.

He had drank just one too many on the plane and was a little tipsy. He  walked over to Y/n in the moonlight as she also walked towards him with something in hand to show him.

It was a heart shaped rock she had found lying along the beach. 

"Here, a rock heart for your rock of a heart," she teased and smiled at him.

Their eyes met and Jungkook gently cupped her face in his hands and leaned in slowly, to where their lips almost touched. He lost his courage and gained his senses and just brushed past her lips to rest his face in the nook of her shoulder in a hug.

"Thank you, Y/n-ssi."

She stood there frozen for a second, still holding onto the rock, but hugged him back eventually.

"I-it's what friends are for," she explained quietly.

Friends. Yeah.

He swallowed, feeling the pit of feelings in his gut start to blossom for Y/n. 

Maybe I didn't realize how much IU and I were already broken up this whole time. I definitely didn't realize how much I like... Y/n.

"We should get going soon," she suggested. "We still have a couple hours before we even get home."

Jungkook nodded and they slowly walked back to the car together. The walk back was quiet but he felt Y/n's fingertips brush past his and suddenly her hand was in his. Neither of them said a word until they got to the car and Jungkook let go to open the door for her.

She turned to thank him and handed him the heart rock again.

"Take this," she insisted before she got in.

I'll take this, and your heart too, one day.

He smiled to himself as he made that promise and got into the car behind her.

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