part 38

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Suho straightened his tie. He glanced out of the window from his office atop the skyscraper of a building that house his company's offices. 

He called for his secretary to prepare his car. He was going to go downstairs and drive for some coffee.

"Would you like for me to get the coffee for you, sir?" She asked, her tablet in hand as she stared at him, awaiting his order.

"No, it's fine. I feel like going for a drive today," he responded. Something felt off about today. He needed to drive to get things off his mind.

"Your hair, Ms. Lee," Suho started.

"Yes, sir?"

"It's nice today," he complimented her.

"Thank you, sir."

It looks like how Y/n used to do her hair. 

His secretary smiled at him, bowed, and walked out of his office to get his car from valet.

As she walked away, he couldn't help but see the resemblance in Ms. Lee and Y/n from behind. It was almost eerie. 

He sat in one of his armchairs in the office until Ms. Lee texted him that the car was ready and parked in front of the building. He took the elevator down, where Ms. Lee met and walked with him outside of the building.

As he was approaching his car, his eyes darted across the street.

4 years. 

It had been 4 years since he saw her last. 

4 years since he had heard her voice last. 

And here she was, across the street. A stone's throw is what separated them in this tightly packed city on his close-knit street.

He could hear her talking to her secretary.

"Mr. Soon, you should get used to this," she laughed in the carefree way she always did.

"Get used to what, exactly, Ms. Min?"

"I'm habitually running late, and I'm sorry for that," she smiled as he opened the door to her vehicle and closed it after she got in.

He hated that he still remembered everything. He didn't deserve to miss her. 

Everybody in his life had shamed him for the shame he caused her. The only people who stuck by him were his parents. Years had gone by and the news had mostly died down for him, but for Y/n, he knew that their past haunted her and everything she did.

He had since sought out help after their relationship crumbled. He was a gentler person now, but still not without his faults. 

He was self-absorbed, and he knew that. He was spoiled, he knew that. He was an only child and had always been the center of attention and always got his way. Seeing a therapist helped, but Suho had yet to unravel the worst parts of his personality that had been groomed by his mother, though her coddling intentions were good and pure.

"Sir?" His secretary called to him.

"Ah, sorry, I got lost in my thoughts, I'll be back," he said as he got into the car and drove off quickly.

He decided to drive home instead. He had long since moved out of the home that he and Y/n had once shared and moved into a high rise apartment. 

He quickly took the elevator up to the top floor after greeting the door man.

His housekeeper greeted him on the way in the door as he kicked off his shoes.

"Sir, I didn't expect you to be here, would you like me to prepare anything?"

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