XXX - 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔡𝔣𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔰

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"Thanks," Bonnie whispered, barely opening her lips, but Judas flashed her a smile all the same.

"I have to do this with you two lurking over me?" She threw over her shoulder to Damon and Klaus. 

"You're still mad at me for what happened to Abby. Let me apologize. I'm sorry Elijah forced us to turn your mother into a vampire to save Elena's life. Didn't exactly have a choice," Damon said.

Judas' shoulders shook from his chuckle, "Heartfelt apology."

Bonnie pursed her lips. "There's always a choice. Whenever you make one someone else suffers."

"Let's cut the dramatics and begin, shall we?" said the Hybrid, rolling his blue eyes.

Without another word, Bonnie began the spell. "Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous."

Judas gazed at the map, slightly baffled when the blood did not move.

"Esther is fighting you," He realized.

"Esther couldn't possibly have this much power," Klaus paced. "Unless she's channeling something."

"A hotspot?"

Klaus snapped his fingers. "Get the humans ready. I know where she is."

---- Δ ----

"He'll wake soon. When he does he may, for a time, be his old self. If so you can say your goodbyes before his transition is complete."

The moon had risen high and the Draconi, itching to do something, had gone off into the night. To where, Elena didn't know, but she was done caring for an unresponsive Lilura.

The Draconi obviously wanted to be left alone.

Silent tears ran down Elena's cheeks. "You said you wanted to undo the evil that you created," She said, shaking her head. "But this...This is just as evil!"

"Alaric will never be what my children became. I have granted him enough power to complete his task. Then when the time is right, he will die. They both will."

"How, if he's immortal?"

"All you need to know is that when this is over we will have rid the earth of vampires once and for all."

"Yeah, but you'll be killing the good along with the bad, you're no better than Klaus!" seethed Elena.

"Am I not? I desire a world where you and your loved ones will not suffer at the hands of vampires like your Aunt Jenna did."

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