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a/n it's been sooo long I genuinely forgot how to write so forgive me if this chapter is crappy. I've just been so busy with school (I did warn you guys that updates will get slower when school starts so bare with me). Also, there's a ton of foreshadowing in this chapter (there's a lot of foreshadowing throughout the book) but especially in this chapter so be on the look out ;) next few chapters should be... interesting

Chapter 12

  A million thoughts were racing through my head as I was biking back home. Stars scattered like small snowflakes over the night sky.

I made it back home and stood for five minutes at the door, debating whether I should go in or not. When I heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door, I reached forward and knocked. The door swung open abruptly, revealing Miles with a pair of headphones draped around his neck. "Were you just standing there?"

"No." I pushed past him and went inside.

"No sarcastic response? Who are you, and what have you done to Max?" he asked from behind me.

"Max! Is that you?" The resonant call from the kitchen sent a jolt of panic through me.

Hastening to the kitchen door, I cautiously peeked inside.

"Dad..." I swallowed hard, suppressing the lump lodged in my throat. "I have something to tell you."

Dad peered at me through his glasses. They were still held together by a small piece of tape. "What is it?" His eyebrows drew together. "And why's there a bandaid on your hand?"

"Promise you won't get mad at me." My voice shook hideously.

"Now you're scaring me, kiddo. Talk to me." He placed the book he was reading on the table. My stomach churned just thinking about it.

I squeezed my eyes shut so as not to cry. "Something bad happened... to the store."

His eyes went round. I balled my hands to suppress the impulse to chomp down on my fingers. "What happened?" I could already hear the disappointment in his tone.

I couldn't hold it back any longer. The weight of my mistake crashed down on me like a relentless wave."I'm so sorry!" Ugly, fat tears dripped down my chin. Losing Dad's respect terrified me. It wasn't just about the store; it was about disappointing the one person whose opinion meant the world to me. "It's all m-my fault... I shouldn't have left the back door open."

Dad rose from his seat, his expression a mix of incredulity and frustration. "You left the back door open? Again?"

In the midst of my choked sobs, I found myself unable to string together coherent sentences. "Oh, kiddo," Dad sighed. He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair. "Don't worry, it's not your fault."

"It was the cat. It walked in and destroyed the place. I thought I locked it overnight." I sniffled, seeking solace in Dad's chest, which carried the scent of robust aftershave.

That infuriating non-existent cat.

"It's not your fault, Max. Next time, just make sure to lock the store. That goddamn cat," he grumbled. I didn't know if he believed me or not.

"I thought I locked it. I tried cleaning up what I could. Carson also helped me." Perplexed by Carson's unexpected kindness, especially considering my previous treatment of him, I couldn't help but mention it.

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