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Chapter 18

Green Day's 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' was playing from Dad's room. I approached the doorway, drawn by the familiar strains of the song that once echoed through family car rides. Curious, I poked my head inside to find Dad meticulously adjusting his tie before the mirror. It reminded me of when Mom used to tie it for him before he would go to work in the city.

That afternoon, Dad had asked me a question. "Any incidents in class I should be aware of, kiddo?"

"That question should be directed at Miles, not me," I said.

"Hey!" Miles's voice chimed from his room, eliciting an exchanged glance of amusement between Dad and me.

"You'll likely hear a few things from Coach Keller," I admitted, a wry smile accompanying the confession. "I've been showing him some attitude." A well-deserved attitude, I silently added.

"Oh, he's an arrogant bastard."

I gasped out a laugh. No sane adult in this town liked Coach.

As we stepped out to the car, the crisp air of late afternoon surrounded us, carrying the scent of fallen leaves. Our yard, however, painted a different picture – a canvas of overgrown, yellowing weeds that demanded attention. I'd have to remind Dad to do something about it.

Dad and I both agreed that Miles could listen to his terrible music on the way to school. He'd been in a foul mood all week, supposedly it was because he had accidentally deleted a recording of his new song.

We got to school, a bunch of parents and their kids stood around aimlessly. Dad had scheduled interviews for both Miles and me at two in the afternoon. A tinge of nerves fluttered in me, particularly for Biology. Mr. Anderson's disdain for Holly Dae extended to anyone linked with her.

Declining Dad's offer to accompany him for the interviews, Miles and I settled on the benches outside. Miles played a few of his songs on his phone which I had to pretend to like when I spotted Carson and Claudia walking in through the school gates. The two headed inside the building then vanished out of sight. His mother had probably forced him into going because he didn't seem the type to care about things like parent-teacher interviews.

Half an hour passed, but Dad didn't return. A red flag. Deciding to investigate, I informed Miles and walked through the empty hallway, poking my head into a classroom. Inside, I found Dad seated across from Mr. Anderson, who, upon noticing me, shot an almost sinister glare in my direction.

Cautiously lurking by the door, I tried to eavesdrop, but Dad quickly emerged. "What's keeping you here, kiddo?"

"Oh, uh, just waiting for you."

"Seems like it's time to go home. I'm tired," Dad said.

"What about Miles' interviews?"

Dad looked puzzled. "Miles told me that his teachers aren't holding interviews because they have a doctor's appointment."

I almost laughed. "All of them at the same time?" Even Dad looked sceptical.

Bubbling laughter echoed down the hallway. I glanced back, spotting Carson and Claudia. Carson noticed me and exchanged words with his mother before making his way toward me.

"Dad, don't wait up for me," I said without taking my eyes off Carson. We both met up in the middle of the hallway.

"Hi," I said.

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