Chapter 4

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          IT WAS LUNCH TIME and Ava sat with Bella and the Cullens again because Maddie and Tyler were once again nowhere to be found

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          IT WAS LUNCH TIME and Ava sat with Bella and the Cullens again because Maddie and Tyler were once again nowhere to be found. So she decided to sit with the Cullens.

She and Alice were talking their heads off again about anything, fashion, tv shows or celebrities.

"You know I remember you taking Art in Freshman year." Alice said. "You were amazing."

"Please, that was nothing special." Ava said. "Your drawings were the ones that were amazing."

She thanked Ava and they continued their conversation with everyone pitching in every now and then. Ava began to talk to Emmett who she didn't notice was actually a very social person.

"You know I've always wanted a jeep." Ava said. "Their so cool. It fits you a lot too."

"It's my pride and joy." Emmett said giving Ava that grin that she had suddenly started to love. "You could take a spin in it if you want."

"Are you serious!" Ava said getting excited.

"Nope. That's definitely a big no." Bella said. "Remember when I let you drive my truck when we were going out into Port Angles to that nice restaurant."

"Oh come on all I did was almost back up into that fire hydrant." Bella gave her a look. "Ok and I maybe almost hit that other guys car, but that's because no ones taught me how to drive yet."

"I could." Emmett quickly said knowing this would give him a chance to spending more time with her privately.

"Really?" Ava said.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind. I never have anything to do anyways so I got time on my hands whenever you want." He said and Ava nodded.

"Ok, thanks." She said. But suddenly began to think what would Milo do if he saw her riding in some guys car without his permission. She suddenly got worried but didn't want to pass up the chance of learning to drive she also wouldn't admit it but she wanted to spend time with Emmett.

She suddenly felt a wave of calmness letting all her worries fade away.

The bell rung causing Ava, Bella and the Cullens to all stand up and depart the lunch room.

Ava fell asleep during biology II not interested in anything the teacher was saying but Bella threw a paper at her every now and then to wake her up.

When the bell rung Ava jumped up scared by the noise not remembering where she was until she looked around and sighed rolling her eyes.

She walked out of class and suddenly Edward was at her side.

"Hi Edward." Ava said curious on to why he was following her the exact way her last bell was.

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