Chapter 10

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         A FEW DAYS LATER after Ava got out the hospital she had to go to court right after because of Milo. The case didn't last to long Milo decided to plea guilty because there had been to many witnesses many times.

Maddie would of had her back and Tyler because he actually loves Maddie took her side and agreed to be a witness if they were called to be witnesses which pissed Milo off.

And what Milo didn't know was that Ava took pictures of her bruises and scares in the past and recorded him once. That plus her current condition now he knew he didn't have a chance.

He ended up being sentenced 2 years in jail not as much as Ava wanted but at least he was gone.

Right now Ava was in Emmetts bedroom playing with her guinea pigs trying to teach them tricks.

"You know they actually get annoying." Emmett said. "I can't block out my hearing and I hear them all the time. Rosalie even demanded me to get rid of them."

"I wish I knew you'd guys could hear so well before then I would've chose a different animal." Ava said. "But look at him."

Ava held waffle up with his legs hanging and his face staring at Emmett.

"He's so cute." Ava said and Emmett smiled at her. It had been a month since the whole Milo situation.

Ava and Emmett were stuck together like glue. They'd never be apart aside from when she had occasionally had to go home. She basically lived with the Cullens Emmett even got a bed in his room just for her and the Cullens already decided that she had to move in with them once she turned 18.

They knew that they were moving their relationship fast but didn't care. They felt like they knew each other forever and knew that it would be forever.

She didn't object because she learned that Emmett would not take no for an answer if it was something he knew would make her happy.

Ava's old personality had came back and she began to quickly get her grades back up which shocked a lot of teachers. She'd stop being mean to people she was mean towards for no reason, besides Jessica. Her and Jessica hated each other before Ava's change.

Ava was feeding her guinea pig and it accidentally bit her and she saw blood quickly putting her finger in her mouth looking back at Emmett who eyes went black. She wasn't to worried just a little.

"You should go wash that off." He said and she nodded standing up.

She went downstairs to wash off the bite with soap and water. While doing so Carlisle came down handing her a bandaid.

"Thanks." She said. "Do you all smell it? I should be more careful, Emmett told me Jasper isn't really good with blood I don't want to cause any problems."

"Your fine Ava besides it was an accident." He says Ava nodded.

After putting the bandaid on, Ava headed back upstairs. Emmett wasn't in his room anymore and Ava got confused so she looked around the house still not finding him.

"He went out to eat." Rosalie said. "He probably hasn't told you but your blood is really addictive to him."

Ava shook her head.

"Some vampires have these things called blood singers. Its when a humans blood appeals to a certain vampire in an very extreme sense. Emmet surprisingly is really good at controlling himself around you but this was the first time he's smelled your blood outside of your body." Rosalie said and Ava sighed.

"Am I gonna be a burden to him?" Ava asked.

"He didn't want to tell you because he didn't want to worry you. But I told you that way to make sure your just a little more careful. So no you won't just be careful." Rosalie said and Ava nodded.

Ava headed back upstairs towards the room laying on the bed. She decided to take a nap while she waited for Emmett.

While Ava was sleep she began to have a nightmare.

"Get away from me Milo." Ava said backing into a corner.

"You thought I wouldn't find you huh." He said walking closer to her. "You dumb bitch."

"Milo please don't-" He slapped her across the face and began beating her. She yelled and yelled for him to stop but he just wouldn't.

It was night time and Emmett came into his room through the balcony door seeing that Ava was sleeping he was trying to be quite. But he heard Ava mumbling in her sleep and she seemed to be crying.

"Stop.... stop." She said repeatedly so Emmett began shaking her not to hard.

"Babe wake up." When Ava's body felt the cold touch it stopped the dream causing her to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at Emmett. "You ok?"

"Yeah... just a bad dream." She said wiping her face then pulling him down with her and she wrapped her body around his. "You were gone for so long. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I just needed to eat something." He said and Ava looked up at him. "And get some air... for a few hours."

"Why didn't you tell me it was hard to be around my blood. I won't always come over if it'll make things easy for you-"

"Babe stop." Emmett said grabbing her face turning it to look at him. Ava felt bad that her blood made things hard for him. "I wouldn't want you anywhere but near me. Remember what I said about mates? It's hard for them to be apart so your not going anywhere."

"Ok." Ava said. She leaned down and kissed him making him kiss back. The kiss started off as small pecks but then it became slow and began to get sensual.

Emmett layed Ava down her back and he was on top of her. Both her legs were on his sides and she wrapped them around him. Emmett deepened the kissed almost taking Ava's breath away but he soon pulled away and began kissing down her neck.

Ava let out a small moan but Emmett suddenly pulled away.

"Emmett." She whined.

"Sorry I can't not tonight." He said pulling back laying in the side of her pulling her into him. She huffed.

"It's ok I understand." She said. She knew that he probably was still a little troubled from earlier after what Rosalie told her. "But man to get me all excited."

"I'll make it up to you." He said to her and she smiled.

"You better." She said. "But I don't think I'm going back to sleep after taking that long nap."

"Wanna play the game?" Emmett asked and Ava nodded. "This time if I win you let me pick the next movie."

"Is it that serious Emmett." Ava said.

"Yes, you skipped my turn and keep doing it." Emmett said and Ava groaned.

"Fine but if I win you buy me some cheesecake." Ava said.

"I will either way." He said.

"I know I just can't think of nothing else." She said giggling. "Alright bring it on."

The next day

"Jokes on you Emmett, I love the Fast & Furious." Ava said and Emmett chuckled pulling her close to him.

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