Chapter One : I am back.

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I wake up with splitting headache. Without opening my eyes, I send sooth, calming wave of chakra towards my head, trying to mineralize the pain. But as soon as I start it, my chakra flow stops, emptying immediately.

I open my eyes with furrowed eyebrows, And I blink. I look at the white ceiling, fluffy bed around me and pink walls. Tears swell in my eyes, as I have not seen this place for more than ten years. It was destroyed as soon as the war started, killing my parents as well.

With tears still in my eyes, I sit up, looking around the room, while conversation with Hogoromo-san is replaying in my mind.

Back in time, huh?

I sigh and get up, letting my small feet dangle above the floor. I hop down, running towards the mirror as fast as my little legs can carry me. I stop and stare. I am small. So little. Innocent. I tap my chakra reserves and sigh, it's corresponding with my body. Small

I stare at my four-years-old figure in the mirror and try to determine how to act. I have my knowledge, I remember everything. After all, I am the so called paper ninja. Yet, I have low chakra reserves and despite knowing everything, I have known before. It is not enough.

"Sakura-chan, are you awake?" Mom opens the door, looking at me with large smile across her lips. I jump and flinch at her sight, hard to believe that she is in front of me. Alive.  "Ne, Sakura-chan? What's wrong with you, darling?" She comes inside, kneeling in front of me with worried expression.

"Nothing, momma." I whisper with a small smile. "I love you." I hug her tightly, letting myself to forget why I am here for a second.


I sigh as I hop on the armchair at the living room, after my parents leave the house for work. I start nibbling my bottom lip, trying to think of any way to change the course of future. Currently, I am three years old, that means that I have four years before Uchiha Massacre happens. Yet, I have several month till Hinata is kidnapped.

I sigh once again. I lean back against the armchair closing my eyes for a second. Feeling tiredness feeling my whole sense of being.

"Ne, Sakura-chan." Kakashi-sensei smiles at me through the mask. But I can see how tired he is through his mask. "How are you?" He asks me, his tone changing into serious one. His gaze holds nothing else, but despair.

"I'm good." I lie smoothly through my gritted teeth. He nods at me, saying nothing more. Yet, his eyes never leave my face.

"I think it will be over soon."

And it was. For everyone else, but Team 7. We were the only ones left alive. We had a chance to save everyone, but then... Sasuke and Naruto chose to fight over their pride before saving others. And in the end, I was the only one. Alive.

"I have to train." I declare loudly, for myself only to hear. I stand up, my feet slowly and clumsily making their way towards the door. I leave the house with as little sound as possible. First of all, I have to find a shop, where I can get weapons. Without Kunai, Shuriken or Senbon, I doubt I will be able to practice.

I am panting by the time, I manage to approach the shop. Unlike my time, when I first came here, it looks old and rundown. Nearly no one walks inside. When I open the door, a bell jingles, informing the man by the desk that costumer has entered. He looks up, looking around confused, never even imagining to look down, at my short height.

"Um, mister." I call out, gaining his attention and surprised look.

"How can I help you, little lady?" He asks me in serous, yet a bit gentle voice. Back in my days, he was always serious, strict even. "And... What is such an young lady as yourself doing here, all alone?" He asks me once again.

"Um, I want to become ninja!" I declare as loudly as possible, imitating some of Naruto's moves. I have to act as clueless as possible, not to gain additional, unwanted attention upon myself. "And I need some weapons for that." I state firmly, momentarily switching to my older self, when time was too precious to waste on talking.

"And what would you like, young lady?" This man, Shoto, switches to his professional tone immediately, when he understands that I am not some little brat joking around.

"I would need standard genin attire." I shrug my shoulders and slowly start walking between the aisles. "Kunai, Shuriken and some Senbons would be nice. I would also like pouch to put it all inside." I state and emerge from poison aisle, bringing some, low-leveled poisons with me. "And these, please." I state firmly.

Shoto nods, packing everything I have asked for. He puts my new weapons in the pouch for me and gives it to me. I tie it around my leg, smiling him while doing so.

I take a small plastic bag full of poison vials and give him the money. He looks at me carefully, while putting the money away and returning the change.

"Do you know what these are, girlie?" He asks me once again, looking at the poisons.

"Yes, sir." My voice is sure.

"Why do you need them, now? At this early stage of practice?" He asks once again.

"I want to build immunity with them." I shrug my shoulders once again, seeing no harm in answering truthfully to the man. Before he is able to protests or ask further questions, I turn around, heading towards the exit. "Have a good day, mister!" I call out before shutting the door behind me.

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