Chapter Fifty

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"Is there anything new, Tsunade-sama?" I tilt my head as I hop on the table in front of her. She shakes her, missing my smug expression. They have been looking for Kakuzu and Hidan for past couple of weeks, but they have evaporated in air. "How is Asuma-sensei, though?" I ask curiously. I do know that the sensei of Team Ten was never really fond of me. Even during the previous timeline, he used to look down on me, always underestimating me, deeming me too weak to help.

"He will live." Tsunade mumbles in low voice. I know that she did not like him either, for the way he usually looked down on me. "But he won't be able to pursue the life of ninja." Tsunade looks down and I nod. I am happy that he is alive. He meant so much to Team Ten.

"I... I am happy." I smile as I start playing with my fingers. "That he is alive." I add with small smile playing on my lips. "But... It makes me sad to realize that I will never be able to prove to him that I am worth of my rank." Tsunade looks at me with sadness pooling in her orbs.

"Sakura..." She shakes her head and stands up, hugging me tightly. "You are strong. Stronger than you believe. You don't have to prove anything to anyone." She whispers the words in my ear as she smiles. She lets me go and stands in front of me. "Where is your team anyway?"

"Sai is resting." I shrug my shoulders, smiling. "Kakashi, Yamato and Naruto are accompanying Team 10 on a mission." I yawn and look around. "And I don't have anything to do. I want a mission, Tsunade-sama." I grin at the elder woman in front of me.

"What kind of mission, Sakura?" She smirks, looking through papers scattered on the table.

"Akatsuki related would be fine." I shrug my shoulders once again. Tsunade nods, looking through some papers. She looks up, giving me a scroll and smiling.

"Sakura." I look back at her. "I know." She chuckles at my puzzled expression. "I know that you helped Akatsuki to hide." I gulp down, feeling no need to lie. If they caught me, I have to pay for it. "I don't know why you are so keen on helping them, though." She adds with confused face.

"I believe that they deserve a chance, Tsunade-sama." I whisper with small smile resting on my lips. "If Sasuke deserves it, then they should not be any different. They were just obeying their leader... I have more kills then they..." I chuckle humorlessly. "So... I want to give them that chance."

"They won't be accepted by the village, Sakura." Tsunade shakes her head. "Elders will never let it. Danzo might be dead, but others are not. You need to realize it, that people will not forgive criminals. Especially Team ten."

"I know." I nod my head and sigh, rubbing my forehead. "I know that something bad is going to happen. " I start in low voice. " I can feel it with my bones." I can't tell her that I still remember of horrors, Pain brought to us, in previous timeline. "And I will let them help us. They will deserve the trust." Tsunade just watches me, saying nothing. Finally, she just nods, giving me a small smile.

"Sasuke killed Orochimaru." I nod, already have read it in the scroll. "Akatsuki will be after him. Find them, stop them however you want and don't let Sasuke fight Itachi." I nod once again, grin appearing on my face.


"You are coming with me." I say confidently, smiling at the wooden boy in front of me. Sasori blinks, confused. "I am going on a mission and you are coming with me." He nods, slowly. "It is S class mission. I want you to be careful, okay?" He nods once again, still in shock.

"Do you think, it's a good idea, brat?" Ibiki pokes his head out of kitchen, eyeing both, me and Sasori. "Brat seems shaken." He chuckles. "What is the mission anyways?"

"We have to keep Akatsuki from approaching Sasuke and keep Sasuke away from Itachi." I say confidently with large grin on me. Ibiki raises eyebrows and sighs.

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