Chapter Six

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"What are we going to do now, Ibiki-sensei?" I ask through the pants. For the first time in forever, I am happy I have decided to be running the whole year before I starting training under Ibiki-san. I am barely breathing, having to run around the village five times.

"Now, brat, you throw some kunais." He answer nonchalantly and motions for me to get ready. I nod and take my weapons out, throwing them at the target, never missing one. Ibiki-sensei nods, satisfied. "I want to test your taijutsu. So, we are going to spar." He declares, taking me by surprise.

I nod, slowly, cautioned, scared even. I shake my head and smile. I have fought against Madara Uchiha, I can somehow handle Morino Ibiki. Even though the last one scares me even more than legendary Uchiha does.

Ibiki-sensei attacks without warning me and I barely manage to avoid his punch. I don't really wish to be hit by Ibiki. I avoid all of his punches and kicks, trying to find his weak spot to hit. It I had my strength back, I would not hesitate to attack heads on, but currently, I have strength to master only one enhanced punch. I dance around Ibiki-sensei, like Tsunade-sama has taught me, I toy with him, even land some punches and kicks on him. Yet, avoiding all of his.

I master all my chakra in my hand, getting ready for one, last, final punch, which would be chakra enhanced. Not enough to break anything in him, but enough to throw him away and leave a bruise or two.

I avoid his one punch, kick, duck and then, when he least expected it, I punch him in the chin from under, throwing him in the air, making him fall several meters away from me. I stand frozen on one place, not knowing how to act. But when he does not move for whole two minutes, I start running towards him.

"Ibiki-sensei..." I mumble a bit scared, kneeling next to the man, who is staring at the sky.

"This..." He whispers and looks at me. "There is only one person, who could master it, brat." He says in cold, blood-freezing tone.

"Tsunade-sama." I nod and smile at him. "I have read about her in the book and I tried to do it as well, I can only master one hit though." I pout and look down at my hand. "And after doing it, it hurts a bit..." I mumble once again, acting defenses and innocent.

"Okay, brat." Ibiki-sensei struggles to stand up and smiles at me. "We are going to have some heavy trainings from today on." He grins evilly at me. "Now, do you know what is your chakra nature?" He asks me and smiles at me, expecting from me to say no.

"Earth, water, yin and yang." I mumble and look down. Ibiki looks at me surprised. He nods, carefully and sighs.

"I suppose you already know how to make clones?" He asks me and I nod. "How to change appearance?" Instead of answering, I make a shadow clone of myself and turn both of us into different people. One is exact copy of Anko, while another is exact copy of Ibiki. He nods, satisfied.

"I have earth nature, too." Ibiki looks and me and smiles. "I can help you with it, but we will have to find people for other natured jutsus." I nod, satisfaction building in my body. I have promised myself never to be weak again, never to let my precious people die. And nothing is going to stand on my way.

"This is easy, considering that you know how to make a shadow clone." Ibiki-sensei starts in low, calm voice. "But, this close will be made out of earth. Earth Release: Shadow Clone." A clone made out of earth and mud appear next to Ibiki-sensei.

I look at him, awed, wanting to do something same immediately. I have never been taught a proper ninjutsu, having to rely solely on my taijutsu and enhanced strength. I repeat his actions and grimace as a small pile of mud appear next to me, nothing like me.

"It's okay, brat." Ibiki-sensei smiles at me."At first try, I could not even do it." He chuckles and sits nearby, watching me struggle. I can see that it satisfies him that I am struggling to perform the shown jutsu. I know how he feels.

"You are lucky, Sakura-san." Ibiki-san states bluntly, when we leave his office. I look at him, confused, not understanding what he means. "If Kakashi has paid you enough attention, or if anyone gave you a second look in the academy..." He trails off, anger and calmness radiating from him at the same time. "You would have been acknowledged as a prodigy." He whispers and looks down.

"And why am I lucky?" I know what being prodigy means. But being ignored half of my life is not to be happy about.

"Because, you were spared of the harsh life, prodigies have to bear." Ibiki replies. "Yet, it does not mean that you should not be angry at your senseis for wasting your talent away, while they were chasing Uchiha and Uzumaki."

"Earth Release: Shadow Clone!" I yell loudly, anger boiling inside of me. I have always been overlooked, ignored. I was nobody. Not good enough. Just because, no one wanted to give me a chance. No one, but Tsunade-sama.

I smile at myself as I see a perfect shadow clone of me made out of earth. Ibiki-sensei stands up, awe and sadness equally visible in his eyes. He smiles gently at me and pats my head. I know this look in his eyes. And I know that I might have sealed my fate.

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