Chapter Fifty - Eight

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"I will love you for eternity." I whisper as I plan a soft kiss on his lips. But he can't feel it anymore. He can't hear me anymore. Because both, he and Naruto are dead. Light has left their eyes, and they stare up at me with glass. They are gone and no matter how I try to revive them, it is not going to work.

As all three Uchihas refused to leave my side, I was put in the same division as Uchihas and Kakashi. Ibiki and Sasori wanted to be with me all the time, but Ibiki and Hidan were put together in second division, while Sasori was in the same division as Deidara. Gaara managed to mend everything all the different ninjas had against one another.

"Are you ready, Sakura-chan?" Shisui whispers in my ear, startling me. I turn towards him, opening my mouth before closing it once again. Am I ready to relive my nightmares? Am I ready to see all my friends and comrades die once again? Am I ready to see, to watch as people I wanted so much to protect die? No. But I am ready to change it all.

"Yes." I whisper finally, offering him one of the best smiles, I can master. Because now, from this moment on, I am going to alter everything. I am going to deliver a better future to the ones that I love. And this time around, I will not let my godchild be conceived in the middle of the war. And I won't let him die even before he is born.

"You look different." He remarks, studying me carefully. "More maniacal than usual, I would say. And you have that glint in your eyes that make me worry about your safety." He adds in hesitation.

"About my safety?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes." Shisui nods, clicking his tongue. "Because, I know you will take care of everyone else's safety. Which makes me worried about yours. You never cared about yourself." He adds. "But this time around, you have to live, Sakura. You can't just die because it would kill Madara as well." He looks dead in my eyes.

"Shisui..." I trail off and tilt my head, having  better view of his face. My jade eyes are dull as I let my emotions to be shown. I let the grieve and the fear to wash over me, completely take my face and heart. "I am tired." I state bluntly. I know that Itachi, Sasuke and Kakashi are listening to what I am saying, but I can't stop myself. I have to tell him, I have to show him how much a lost case I am. "I am tired of seeing people that mean a lot to me die. I am tired of seeing that because I was not strong enough, I could not save everyone, I could not prevent certain outcomes." I bite my lower lip. "I want to make a change and I don't care what price it will be, as long as I am going to be the only one, that will have to pay for it." I whisper. "I am ready to face my death if it means making up for my mistakes. I am ready to sacrifice myself for the greater good of the nations."

"Sakura..." Shisui starts in a low voice, but I stop him.

"I know what I am doing, Shisui-kun." I smile at the Uchiha in front of me. He has been next to me ever since I have returned. He has been an older brother to me, protecting me from the harm's way. And in some way, he is the one that kept me sane for a long time. "Ever since, I met you... I knew that if I decided to be shinobi a day like that would come." I whisper as I look up at the sky. "Day, when I would have to die in order to keep others safe..." I shake my head. "Did you know...That Naruto is doubting becoming Hokage?" I chuckle humorlessly. "People are losing their dreams, Shisui... And I don't want to be like that." I shake my head furiously. "I don't want to be scared to the point, where I want to give up." I whisper with a small smile tugging my lips.

"You don't have to die for it, Sakura." Shisui shakes his head once again. "There are other ways to reach your dreams. You don't have to die to be acknowledged."

"I don't want to die to be acknowledged, Shisui." I laugh loudly at his stupid remark. Why would anybody want to die because of that. "I want to protect people I hold dear." I chuckle once again, shaking my head. "I will try not to die, you know?" I laugh lightly at his stupidity. "Because dead can't protect anyone."

"It is all over." I whisper as I fall on my knees. The beast is gone, but people are still in raccoons. I look up at the boys, who are still glaring at one another. "W-What are you doing? Dismiss the genjutsu." I whisper, knowing that only them are capable to do so. But they don't listen to me.

The war has started. Slowly, painfully. Zetsus are attacking from all the directions, but they are easy to win over as they are dead by a single punch of mine. I keep attacking, punching as much as possible. I kick the ground, taking down several ones of the white men.

"Come on, Naruto." I shake my head, ignoring the loud blonde in front of him. He has been shouting something about how much he misses ramen for couple of past minutes. "We have to get you to Tsunade-sama." I add annoyed. He turns around, pouting.

"Come on, Sakura-chan." Naruto shakes his head as he starts walking with me. "Don't you miss the taste of heavenly ramen?" He licks his lips, sadness creeping up on him. "Don't you miss the rustle of leaves in the streets? Or how the sun shone down on the monument?"

"Yeah." I nod my head, smiling nostalgically at the memory of Konoha. "But we will be back soon enough, Naruto."

  It was only the first year of the war and we had no idea what it might have turned into. We were still children, who believed in happily ever after. And we were not ready for what was to come. I honestly doubt that someone can ever be ready for that.

Dog. Snake. Horse. Tiger. Snake. Dog. Tiger.

"Earth Release : Fissure." I whisper as ground beneath the group of Zetsus collapse, taking them down and killing them in the process. I sigh shaking my head. I know that dead will start coming any moment given.

"Sakura." Sasuke appears next to me, small smile tugging his lips. "Are you okay?" He whispers in a low voice and offers me a small smile, which I gladly return to him.

"Yeah, I am fine." I chuckle at Uchiha and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. "Come on, we have some ass to beat up." I declare loudly, beaming at the idea to kill as much Zetsus as possible. I can have some fun until dead start coming back, right?

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