Chapter 2 🍾

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The engine's humming came to an end when I turned it off and stepped out of the car, my backpack in tow. With my smile in place, I stepped into the building where I was schooling. I greeted everyone with a friendly smile and nod as I strolled to my locker. They all responded in the same way, some girls dropping comments on my outfit which I would reply with a short 'thank you' and a polite smile.

I saw my friends waiting for me in front of my locker. They were only three; Jarod, Melanie, and Layla. I had to stifle the heavy sigh that threatened to come out at the sight of them. There was nothing wrong with them. Despite being on the top popularity rank, they were cool with the rest of the students. That was why I hung out with them rather than Jasmine who was more stuck up than my Aunt Ophelia who lived in Malibu with a white picket fence around her lawn.

Jarod was popularly known as the school's gossip king. Nothing went on without him knowing about it. Simply put, no news passed him by. He must have some news for me with the way he was bouncing excitedly on his feet.

Melanie was a spoilt brat who walked on money but didn't flaunt it. Though there are times she could be a b***h.

Layla was the baby of the group. She was always quiet and agreed to most things said. She hated confrontation. You know, the usual.

Normally, I wouldn't mind putting on the mask of a loyal friend to Melanie's ranting about boy troubles, and excited gossiper to Jarod's news, and a kind and supportive friend to Layla's mathematics problem, but I was tired after this morning charade. It had drained me, mentally and emotionally.

But I had to. The show must go on. They mustn't find out, they could not find out. We were the perfect family of Bloomville and I was their perfect sixteen-year-old daughter who was loved by everyone, young and old. The show must simply go on.

"Hey, guys."

I greeted once I was within a foot distance, a huge smile on my face. Just like the people I had greeted in the hallway back, the response was almost automatic. They replied with identical smiles. For a minute, I wondered if they too were putting on a show like me but then I remembered that I was the only one with a family like the Del Lana's. The difference between their identical smile and mine was the authenticity of it.

"Thank God you are here Mona! Can you believe that Selena is going out with Davis Morgan? How is that possible? It is like a weird universe trick. The school slut going out with the famous teacher's pet."

Jarod said, his words matching the fast pace of his gesturing hands and fidgeting feet. He was excited, overly excited.

"Or maybe it's because she opened her legs for him, and the boy couldn't help but be hooked. Happens sometimes to me." Melanie piped in from behind, a somewhat bitter tone in her voice.

Maybe she had a thing for the Davis guy, but I couldn't care less. To avoid drama from Melanie, I ignored her and turned to Jarod. With an inward sigh, I gushed out.

"What? No way! That's so cute. It's like the alternative to the nerd and playboy romance that usually goes on around here." He nodded in response.

I neatly arranged my books into my locker after typing in my passcode and took the ones I would use for my first class. After signaling I was done, we started to walk to our various classes.

"Hi, Mona."

"Hey, Mona."

"Looking good, Mona."

"Oh my gosh, I so love your outfit, Mona."

"That is top is so cute, Mona."

"How do you deal with so much attention Mona? It's so scary." Layla's soft voice stated as we passed people.

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