Chapter 10 📱

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I was convinced Mr. Fredlugas was a drone descendant as his voice deadened my torturous calculus morning. 

 I looked around the class to the students who were one foot away from Sleepy town. I was right—they weren't listening. Fortunately for us, Mr. Fredlugas seemed to enjoy the sound of his own voice, and so didn't bother to see if the students he was teaching were actually listening. By the time the bell rang, I couldn't move due to exhaustion. 

I had History with Mel, Jarod, and Dwayne next. After managing a quick greeting to Mrs. Berlin and smiling at the rest of the class, I went to my usual seat and plopped my head on the table.

"That bad?" Jarod asked, whistling at the sight of me.

I mustered up enough strength to raise my face up and use my hand to support my head. How could a class have so much effect? I didn't even learn a thing!

"What happened to her?" I heard Dwayne ask. I peeked at him through a half-opened eye and wanted to retort something snarky but was too tired to. In the end, I just let out a groan and put my head back on the table.

"Calculus is what happened. I swear that man can make an energetic three-year-old fall asleep with just his voice. He never stops talking. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how to teach. I've had to read from textbooks before I could understand a topic. That's how bad it is." Mel answered.

Luckily for me, Mrs. Berlin gave us group classwork and then left almost immediately for the principal's office. I had a whole period to sleep. By the time I went to my Music class, I felt much better and less sleepy.


I joined my friends and Dwayne at our usual lunch table. I came a little late as Miss Shola had asked me to arrange the music notebooks and place them on her table. It sounded easy, right? Wrong! I had to look for music sheets that had 'Do' or 'Re' on it. I was to arrange them by their notes!

"Hey, guys." I greeted, adjusting my sweater. Although I had used makeup to conceal the bruises on my face, I couldn't exactly do the same with my body. And so I wore my grey turtleneck sweater on top of my uniform. The weather was a little cold after the rain this morning, so no one thought my fashion choice was anything out of the ordinary.

"Hey." they all responded dully. That got me confused. Frowns decorated their faces as they played with their food. I looked at Dwayne to ask what was wrong, but he was avoiding my gaze.

"Guys, what's wrong?" even Layla had a frown on her lovely face. Our private table was quiet for the first time, too quiet.

"Is it true?" I heard Layla ask. I leaned towards her side, hoping she would explain the reason for their down faces.

 "Is what true?"

This time it was Mel that replied. She stopped playing with her food and dropped the fork on the table loudly. I looked around and made sure onlookers knew their attention wasn't needed.

"Is it true that that douchebag beat you?"

My mouth nearly dropped. 

 How could she have known about last Friday? Still, I acted dumb.


"Brian. Did he beat you up, Mona?" Jarod asked softly, his eyes never leaving mine. I maintained a blank face and looked him straight in the eyes.


An angry groan of frustration left his mouth as he lifted his hands up in defeat.

"I can't talk to you when you're like this."

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