Chapter 24 (Part 1)💅

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The stinging from my back tore out in a raging pulse as I rose up from my bed. The pain brought forth sharp whimpers as I paddled towards the bathroom.

Standing nude before the mirror, I held my breath in horror. Mother had made sure to express her anger at me last night- the memories from yesterday's hurt tumbled in my head and I reigned in the flinch.

Moving in angles to see the extent of my injuries and bruises, a tear slipped. My left upper arm was colored in blue, purple, and black. My right upper arm was adorned with cigarette burns, meticulously designed to spell 'Carmen'. But that was not the worst of it.

I choked on a sob as the mirror reflected back the injuries in my lower back. Lashes and scratches from mother's nails and other sharp objects were drawn across my back in a zig-zag manner. My whole body was a canvas of anguish.

With my eyes shut, I scrambled to have my bath, and with numb efficiency, I ignored the pain. As I applied ointment on my newly acquired and old wounds and fished for pain relievers, I noted with reluctant admiration on how mother had inflicted her anger on me.

The wounds were strategically on parts of my body that could be easily covered, parts that didn't have to be seen. A harsh chuckle rang out through my room. She would make sure nothing taints her image.

As I was sifting through my closet for the softest clothes I owned, my phone rang out. I paused in my search and answered the call. It was from Dwayne.


A pause and some slow breathing.


I laid on my bed, forgetting the injuries and was quickly reminded. My lips quickly turned red from the force to which I was biting them. I couldn't let Dwayne hear me cry.

"Are you okay? You were very upset yesterday?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Listen, I'm sorry I ruined our date. It was supposed to be special and sweet for you, but something happened back at home and then I just-"

"Hey Dwayne, it's okay. You didn't ruin anything. I don't think I can tell you enough but thank you. Last night was beyond perfect for me. I had so much fun, you showed me so much fun."

I could almost see the smile on his lips, a slow tilt to the right then a full-blown one with dimples on display.

"Thank God, I thought I blew it up but don't worry, I'll make it up to you." He promised, childish excitement leaking out of his voice and causing me to giggle.

"I got a glimpse of the real Lisa last night."

My eyebrows furrowed at his unexpected statement. What did he mean? Before I could ask him to expatiate, he continued.

"You were so free and happy. I don't think I've seen you smile so much as you did yesterday. Gone was the mechanical, composed, and polite Lisa, and in her place was an inquisitive girl who regarded everything with unconcealed excitement. I got to see the real you and I ruined it by being an ass." He ended bitterly.

I fiddled with the pen I had picked up. What was I supposed to say to that? Thank you? I'm glad? I felt different too?

"I know you're thinking of what to say-" How does he know me so well? "Don't bother; I'm not expecting a reply. It was really nice to see a full unrestrained smile from you. I've to go now; the twins need me to drop them off at their friend's house. Talk to you later, okay? Bye."

"Bye," I responded and dropped the phone when the call ended.

I got to see the real you.

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