Chapter 21 🏥

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Dedicated to Sincerelyini. Thank you for giving this book a chance ❤️❤️.

Ugh!!! What is that beeping noise? It's so loud? Can someone please turn it off? Voices, I hear voices. What are they saying? Who is talking? Why can't I open up my eyes?

"… don't worry…survived the worst…okay…"



"…need to…rest…disturbance…allowed…"

My head was hurting. Maybe I just needed to sleep back. Yeah, sleep would make it better. I would wake up, and everything would make sense again.


I was awake and much more level-headed, I knew that much. I didn't know where I was as my eyes were still determined to remain close. The annoying beeping noise was still here.

First, I tried moving my hands, and after a lot of effort, my fingers twitched. I heard someone's voice and this time, clearly.

"Oh, God! She twitched her finger, Jarod! She's doing it again! Do you think she's awake, Mel? Go, call Mr. Miah!" Layla all but said softly.

Her words made me frown. Awake? Dr.? Was I in a hospital? What happened? I willed my eyes to open, and slowly, the lead that kept them up opening fell off. I groaned in pain when the bright light pierced my eyes. I squeezed them shut and took in deep breaths, waiting for the agony to pass.

I tried again, this time slowly, and soon my eyes got accustomed to the brightness. I was right! I was in a hospital with Layla and Mel peering at me in concern.

Grunting, I tried to sit up to ask questions, but a sharp pain on my side rose with a ferocity to say hello. I swore under my breath and closed my eyes tightly as I paused for the pain to depart. When I opened them again, I was rewarded with Dr. Miah's sight glancing worriedly at me.

"Hello Mona, how do you feel?"

I hesitated and appeared to be thinking.

"Like pain has a personal vendetta towards me," I cursed again as the pain reappeared as if to reprimand me. Dr. Miah forced me to lay back and conducted some checkup tests on me. When he was satisfied with the results, he leaned back and glimmered with relief.

"You're okay. The pain you feel is normal, considering the stitches we did on your wound. Lucky for you, it wasn't too deep and so it didn't cause many problems. However, you lost a lot of blood, and I'm glad they rushed you in when they did. Any minute later, and you would be in a critical condition right now. Well, I've to go tell Dwayne that you're awake, and he should stop terrorizing everyone looking all mean. I wish you a speedy recovery Mona." And with that, he departed, his doctor's coat trailing behind him.

Dwayne rushed in a minute later and started fussing over me, but I didn't pay him any attention. There was a lot on my mind at that moment. What did he mean by wound and stitches? Mother wouldn't like any scar on me; it would ruin her perfect model. One she created. What had happened?

Then as quickly as the questions ran through my mind, the answers came. Brian cornering me, stabbing me, and leaving me to bleed on the ground. His hurtful words and crazed eyes incited a shiver down my spine.

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