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Hello again! I just majorly edited this part so I hope there aren't too many plot holes!😬
Frypan returns just a few minutes after Newt leaves. He's pleased to find that I've finished both the carrots and the dishes, so when I ask if I can have supper duty off, he says yes.
     There are so many things I'd rather do than hand out food to a bunch of sweaty Gladers; I decide on going to the Lookout Tree to eat my supper in silence.
     Because I'm so hungry, though, I end up finishing the delicious stew quickly so I leave my dishes with Fry and head to the Lookout Tree empty-handed, hoping to be able to stare at the stars for a while before heading to the Homestead.
I climb to the top, admiring the breathtaking sunset until its light is lost to the other side of the Walls. I look to my left and see a few Gladers chatting around a fire, though most of them have already turned in for the night.
     Seeing the flickering light from above makes me feel...safer, more in control.
     Sitting and dangling my legs over the edge, I lean back on my hands and take in the wonderful feeling of being high above the Glade.
     Suddenly, I hear steps on the ladder and the squeak of wood bearing weight. I immediately pray that it isn't Gally—that it's anyone but Gally—and my heart rate climbs higher and higher.
To my relief, an accented voice breaks its ascent. "Hey, Y/N." I smile as Newt takes a seat next to me.
     Before I can feel too relieved, though, my stupid brain just has to remind me of how I acted in the kitchen.
     "I—I'm sorry about earlier. For crying, I mean." I avert my eyes and watch the remaining boys leave the bonfire and walk toward the Homestead.
     "Don't be." I sense him look over at me, but keep my gaze fixed. "You're beautiful when you're being yourself. And if crying's a part of that, you shouldn't apologize for it."
     His reply catches me off guard. I bring my hands into my lap and stare at them for a second before responding. "I guess...I've been trying to become the person I thought you all expected me to be. I'm the only girl—the first girl any of you can remember seeing. That scared me at first; it still scares me. I—I think I've become content being someone I'm not because it keeps me out of sight." I sigh, thinking of all the long, frustrating hours I've spent in the kitchen. "As much as I hate it, I feel safest doing what I do now...That is, except for when Gally barges into the kitchen demanding food." I exhale, still watching my hands as they lie limply in my lap.
"No one's perfect, Y/N, and I wish that instead of forcing these expectations onto yourself you would just accept yourself for who you are." Newt shakes his head. "I hate seeing you try to piece together the perfect girl out of all these things you think you should be and say and do."
I sigh. "But...the real me just doesn't seem good enough right now," I admit. I'm suddenly aware of how much I've just opened up to him, and the realization brings warmth to my cheeks.
But my insecurity doesn't scare him away or make him uncomfortable. He just says, "The real you is more than enough for me."
     He looks at me, and this time I match his gaze. For a moment, he just stares at me, and in his eyes all I see is gentleness.
     Then he whispers, "I wouldn't change a thing."
Part three is done!🎉 Hope you enjoyed!🥰

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