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Sorry, I don't have an interesting intro to this one😁
I climb the stairs to the third floor and slow as I approach the door to Newt's room, suddenly realizing I've never actually been in it before.
I knock softly and hear his muffled voice call, "Come in."
I open the door slowly and the first thing I see is his bed, which, to my surprise, is made rather meticulously.
Newt gets up from his desk and crosses the room, motioning for me to sit next to him on the bed.
I do, and since my stupid brain can't think of anything to say, a few seconds pass in silence.
"So," Newt finally says, "What do you think?"
"About what?" I ask, though the meeting is still very fresh in my mind.
"The new rules." His tone tells me he knows I've been thinking about them ever since they were put in place.
I sigh, leaning back on my hands. "Honestly, I'm not so sure about them."
He looks at me. "Do you think there should've been more? 'Cause the whole point is for you to feel safe."
     "No, no, it's not that," I say, shaking my head. "It's just...Somehow, if it's possible, I want the Gladers to respect me and follow the new rules, but without being afraid of interacting with me. They shouldn't have to tiptoe around and avoid talking to me and never make eye contact with me for fear of getting in trouble." I furrow my eyebrows pensively. "I—I don't want them to look at me differently, but I realize how much these rules will set me apart."
     For a few moments, Newt doesn't respond.
     I look over at him and he's staring straight ahead.
     I start to worry that he wasn't paying attention to me.
     "Hello?" I ask slowly. He finally turns to me. "Were you even listening?"
He drops his eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I was, and I understand what you're saying, but..."
"But?" I press impatiently.
Newt finally matches my gaze and says, "I just have ask: do you feel safe?" He puts emphasis on the last four words, eyes determined.
The question is a little different from what I was expecting.
"That was my biggest concern when you first came up, you know," he continues. "I knew you were scared, but I told myself that you'd adjust to life in the Glade and then everything would be fine. I soon realized that...Your biggest fear wasn't your new life, or the Glade, or not being able to remember anything; it was us."
I open my mouth to reply, but he's right, and there's no point in trying to deny it.
     "I guess, I really just want to make sure that nothing I did last night made you...uncomfortable."
     I give him a small smile and reassure him by saying, "Gally just wants to cause trouble. We shouldn't worry about what he says."
     "No, I mean—Maybe I shouldn't have just gone into your room and—"
     "Newt," I interrupt firmly, looking him straight in the eye, "I'm not afraid of you. You don't have to worry about any of that."
     "I do now," he sighs resignedly. "With these rules, things'll be different."
     I understand what he's saying, but I wish he wouldn't be so worried about how the new rules will affect us. We're friends, and everyone knows that.
     Well, maybe except—
     "What do we have here?" The sudden loudness of Gally's voice makes me sit up immediately. My head snaps toward the sound and I see him standing in the doorway.
"Nothing, Gally," Newt, though also startled, replies with poise, "So would you please leave us alone?"
"Interesting that you bring that up..." Gally leans against the doorframe, pretending to contemplate the situation. "'Cause the new rules—"
Newt stands, cutting him off. "The new rules say she can choose who she hangs out with and where," he counters calmly. "She's been free to leave whenever she wants."
"Oh," Gally says slowly, as if finally understanding. "I guess it all just looked a little strange when I walked by...My mistake! Carry on with...whatever you were doing."
     I roll my eyes. "We weren't even doing anything, Gally."
     "Exactly," Newt agrees as I, too, stand up. "We were just talking."
     "Whatever you say," Gally replies with a shrug. "I just hope Thomas doesn't find out about you two being together—I mean, spending so much time together." He smirks at that, then turns to Newt. "Come on, Newt; you know that her skipping work to hang out with you is against the rules."
Before I can explain that Fry gave me the time off, Gally adds, "Everyone's gotta work." He throws a sideways glance at me and enunciates his next words. "Even the weakest."
Newt's stepping toward Gally before I even register the insult.
     "Say that again," he dares, a murderous look darkening his eyes.
     When I see Gally open his mouth to repeat himself, I rush between them before anything can happen.
     I shove Gally away with one hand and place the other firmly on Newt's chest.
"Calm down," I breathe. It takes a second for his eyes to pull away from Gally, but when they finally focus on me, I look into them and find an emotion that I can't quite place.
The rise and fall of his shoulders becomes less dramatic as he gets ahold of himself, and I let my hand fall from his chest.
Before either of us can say anything, though, Gally cuts in, his triumphant voice causing me to turn around and glare at him with folded arms.
"See you at supper," he says, self-satisfied eyes trained on me as he smirks and walks out.
Gally's roast tho🤭🔥😂, it's probably just me that likes it lol🤷‍♀️

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