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I'm getting toward the end of what I originally had written, so please share ANY ideas in the comments! Thanks and I love you all!💜
I steal the lantern from Newt's room then set off across the Glade, yawning tiredly as I go. I had no idea how exhausted I was until I tried to run down three flights of stairs without tripping. Miraculously, I didn't wake anyone up.
When I reach the Pit, I say, "Hey, Newt."
I hear the scrape of dirt beneath his shoes. "Hey," he calls back.
He emerges from the darkness as I reach into my pocket and pull out the key. "Thomas gave it to me so I could visit you," I explain.
"He trusts you not to let me out?" Newt asks, stepping forward out of the shadows so that the lantern light dances across his face.
I shrug indifferently. "Guess so." I set the lantern on the ground then bend over and unlock the padlock. Once it's open, I pick up the lantern and hop down into the Pit.
Newt settles down against the far wall, motioning for me to join him.
I set the lantern in the corner and sit next to him, letting out a tiny yawn in the process.
For several long moments, we both stare straight ahead and don't talk. I assume he's deep in thought, but honestly I'm just trying to stay awake at this point.
Then, Newt finally murmurs something. I may or may not have been zoning out...but I think he said, "I'm sorry."
I breathe in and out slowly, not sure if I heard him correctly; and even if I did, I still wouldn't know what to say.
When he realizes I have no reply, I hear him sigh beside me. "Look," he begins, "I'm not normally like that. I thought...I thought I was doing it for you."
The drowsy, disoriented side of me thinks, Oh my goodness, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me.
     Meanwhile, the logical part of my mind practically rolls its eyes and says, Chill out, you don't even remember anything from your previous life. You're reading way too far into this.
     I stare at my knees, pulled close to my chest. With my mind and feelings at war, all I can come up with is "What do you mean?"
     "I just—I was angry that no one would ever stand up for you. So...I did." He sighs again. "But afterward you seemed so upset that I realized I'd thought you wanted me to protect you, but..."
     I shake my head slowly, partially to keep my eyes from drifting shut. "Newt, there are other ways besides protecting me for you to show me that you care," I say quietly.
     "Well, I do care about you, Y/N." He looks over at me. "You know that, right?"
I nod then accidentally release a big yawn.
Newt laughs. "There's no way you'll make it back to the Homestead." He holds out an arm to me. "Come here."
I scoot closer to him and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. I curl up against him, focusing on the relaxing sound of his breathing as I close my eyes and fall asleep.
Wrote most of this when I was feeling as tired as Y/N, so that's my excuse for how bad this one is😂

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