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Wow...I'd say we're due for something a little less emotionally traumatic, don't you think?
In the morning, I sit in front of my mirror, trying to tame my hair.
I slept well last night, better than I have in a while; I didn't have any nightmares. My arms are sore though. Good thing it's a towel day.
Someone knocks on my door, pulling me from my thoughts.
Thinking it might be Newt, I quickly smooth down my hair and call, "Come in."
But when the door opens, it isn't Newt standing there; it's Gally.
"Ugh, go away." I turn back to the mirror, picking up my brush and running it through my hair.
Gally chuckles. "You just invited me in." To annoy me further, he steps across the threshold and doesn't stop walking until he's standing directly behind me.
I make eye contact with him in the mirror and set down my brush. Standing up, I walk over to my bed and grab a hair tie off the nightstand. "And now I'm inviting you out."
He smirks, no doubt pleased with himself that he's managed to become irritating to the point that his mere presence annoys me to no end.
"You know what's funny?" Gally asks.
I don't respond, simply returning to the mirror and picking up the brush again.
I take a seat on the edge of the bed and glare at him, not amused and not in the mood for his games. He grabs my chair from by the mirror and sits backward on it directly in front of me, never once breaking eye contact.
"Newt seems so taken with you, but at the same time, it hasn't even crossed his mind that somewhere out there in the world there are tons of girls who are actually..."
"Who are actually what?" I enunciate.
     Gally shrugs. "Oh, I don't, funny, pretty. Though Newt wouldn't know that, so the poor guy had to settle for—"
     I lunge at him, determined to slap him across his smug face. My open palm is not two inches from his face when he catches my wrist and whispers, "Nice try."
     I lift my other hand but he anticipates it and grabs that wrist, too.
     Suddenly, I find myself in a weak, vulnerable position as he stands, hands tight around my wrists. Fear floods me faster than I thought possible.
     I test his grip and quickly realize there's no way in the Glade I could get free unless he lets me.
     "Gally, let go of me now or I promise I'll scream so loud your ears will bleed." I utter the words in as threatening a tone as I can muster.
He snickers at my attempted show of aggression and finally releases me, causing me to stumble backward. I glance down at my wrists.
     When when I see the faint red marks, I shoot Gally a deadly glare.
     He holds up his hands innocently. "Hey, you're the one who tried to break one of the rules. Good thing I stopped you, right? Wouldn't want Newt's precious little girl getting in trouble, now would we?" He winks, grinning as he whispers, "You're welcome."
     Then he brushes past me and walks out, shutting the door loudly behind him.
I know, I'm sorry, that one was really short☹️ Keep reading, though; one of my favorite scenes is coming up😜💖

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