Chapter 34

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Areef picked up Airah after going in to exchange pleasantries with the Mustaphas.

He was quiet their ride home. Airah noticed. She wanted to ask but then thought about it and kept quiet too.

Meanwhile Areef has been looking for words to tell Airah that he would like to send his people to meet her father.

They arrived and he parked right outside their front door.

"So is it too late to say thank you?" Airah asked with humor in her voice.

Areef just spared her a smile. He scratched his head uneasily.

Airah noticed and this time she couldn't stop herself.

"You have been acting all awkward since you returned, did something happen?"

Areef cursed himself, what's wrong with him why was he acting this way all of a sudden. It was so much easier to talk to her before way easier.

Remembering she was still here and her question in the air, he cleared his throat before saying in a voice he didn't know he had.

"I wanted you to tell Abba my uncles will be coming to see him this week."

Not hearing a response from her made the thumping of his heart to intensify. He looked up at her face but she wasn't looking at him.

"Airah, what's wrong?  Do you think I've gone to far?  I'm sorry, I just thought know.... We've been.... I don't even know what to say. Just say something please. "

Areef was beyond surprised to how he was acting. What has gotten into him. Is this what love does to you. He asked himself.

Airah was still quiet, she was out of words, she didn't know what she was feeling right now, joy or fear. Joy because she knows she definitely loves Areef and fear her lost memory, will she ever regain them will she be able to know the kind of person Areef was before her accident.

"You know what?  Just forget I said this to you since it doesn't sit well with you we should give it sometime and when the time is right you tell me okay? I'm sorry I should have asked for your opinion first. "

His words made Airah felt bad, why was she letting something she wasn't even certain about to determine her future, her past was all a blurred line now and it's high time she stops holding onto it and move on.

"Airah, don't stress yourself about this okay. I get it, I must have scared you. Just forget I said anything. I..... "

"I'll tell him. In sha Allah. " she said with a smile. Areef tried to convince her but when she looked at him and their eyes met he couldn't cause right In her eyes he saw an emotion that assured him he wasn't forcing her to do what she wasn't ready to do. Trust.
Her eyes portrayed how much she trusted him, he didn't know how he was able to see that but he just did.

"I love you." he said still gazing at her eyes. He didn't know how the words found their way to his mouth and he wasn't aware when he's mouth said the words. Like the listener he just heard them. Laced thick with emotions.

Airah was quick to avert her eyes and she found the door handle In no time getting out of the car. She raced to their front door leaving Areef in his car with mixed emotions.

He smiled faintly as he reversed out of their house.

As he drove home he kept reminiscing his moments with Airah today occasionally patting his chest in a way telling his heart that kept racing to calm down.

As soon as he was home. He went straight to the bathroom. He had a warm shower. He prayed Isha before heading to Mami's side. Eeman was already asleep.

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