Chapter 6

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"Hey dad?"

"Yes Zoe?" Percy asked his daughter.

"What's happening tonight that's got everyone excited?" Zoe asked him.

"Capture the Flag," Percy replied with a smirk. "I'll be allowing you to use your assassin skills as long as you don't kill anyone."

Zoe nodded and Percy walked towards the big house where he saw Artemis talking to Chiron and the Assassin said, "Hello my dear."

Artemis turned around, smiled and said, "Hello to you as well."

"I assume that no one knows about this?" Chiron asked.

"You assume correctly, Chiron," Percy replied. "Also, I already know who Zoe's mother is."

"How did you figure it out?" Artemis asked her eyes trained on the floor.

Percy sighed and said, "I've already assumed thanks to 3 main things. 1, she's stronger during the full moon and wherever the moon shines. 2, she has your skill with a bow and a hunting knife. 3, she could practically be your little sister with the exception of the green eyes and dark hair."

"Do you forgive me?" Artemis asked.

"Yes, I do, but you must make it up to me, by telling Zoe tonight after the game," Percy said as Artemis nodded in agreement before getting a mischievous smirk on her face, before saying, "I think I know when I can claim her..."

Percy raised an eyebrow and was going to reply, but Artemis kissed his cheek, before flashing away and leaving the Son of Poseidon in a daze. Chiron just chuckled and said, "I don't think I've ever seen her this happy... I think that it's good that you got a Maiden Goddess to fall for you, Mr. Jackson."

Percy snapped out of his daze and said, "All she needed was someone who would be loyal to her and show her love... She told me about Zeus's plan... I hate that he wants to put her in a marriage that will leave her to be just like Hera."

"What do you plan on doing about it?" Chiron asked with a raised eyebrow. "Once Zeus learns of your child being the Daughter of Artemis, he'll hunt you both down and turn Artemis mortal as punishment."

"I'm going to do what no other Demigod has done before, Chiron," Percy said as he flicked his wrist out and a blade came out of his sleeve. "I'm going to assassinate a god."

With Zoe; Fifteen minutes later

"Hello baby," a male Zoe's age that looked like a miniature Hercules said.

Zoe just kept on walking, not paying attention to the Spawn of Idiocracy.

"Hey! Listen to me when I speak to you!" the Son of Hercules shouted, before putting a hand on Zoe's shoulder, to which she reacted by flipping him over her shoulder, then bringing out a knife and putting it on his throat, all in the split of a second and before saying, "Don't speak to me like that and you might survive to see your next birthday. Got it?"

The Son of Hercules nodded and Zoe let him go, before looking around and seeing her Aunt Thalia.

"Hey Aunt Thalia," the unclaimed Daughter of Artemis said, walking up to her Aunt. "Are you going to tell mom and dad about what happened?"

Thalia looked up to the roof of a cabin, before saying, "I don't think I need to tell your father about it, but your mother? Absolutely."

"Why not my daaaa..." Zoe trailed off and went silent, before saying, "Heeee's right behind me isn't he?"

"Yeah," Thalia said as Percy jumped down from the cabin's roof and walked up to his daughter.

"While I do agree with what you did to the Son of Hercules, I do not like that you threatened his life," Percy told his daughter. "And before you ask, I think that you forgot that I can read lips perfectly."

Zoe looked down and said, "Sorry dad..."

"There is no need to be sorry, Z," Percy said, before remembering why he was looking for his daughter. "The reason why I am here and not with my siblings, is because I talked to your mother today and she said that she will claim you tonight after Capture the Flag."

"I really hope that my birth mother is Artemis," Zoe said with a smile as Percy then smiled and thought, 'No one is going to take Zoe away from me... And if they try, then they will die. I swear on the River Styx.'

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