Chapter 10

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"Bring him here," Zeus told his daughter after the Iris Message vanished. "Or I'll turn you mortal and you die mortal."

"Go ahead," Artemis said, surprising everyone. "As long as I have Percy and my daughter, I'll live as a mortal until the day I die. I won't betray my beloved's trust just because you tell me to, Zeus. Now then, what is this meeting about?"

"I reckon it's about us, mom," Zoe's voice said from above, before the Daughter of Artemis landed in front of her "sisters". "Hi. I'm Zoe Bianca Diana Jackson. The Daughter of Artemis and Percy Jackson and the youngest member of the Brotherhood of Assassins in the last 50 years."

Percy then walked into the throne room saying, "Dang it Zoe! How many times do I have to tell you to wait for me before you go barging into a room full of dangerous people?!"

Zoe chuckled nervously and said, "Sorry Dad... I just wanted to see Grandpa, Uncle J and Awesome Uncle Apollo, Auntie Piper, and Aunt Hestia again."

Percy sighed and Athena asked her niece, "How did you survive that jump from up above us?"

"I used the power that I inherited from my dad to cushion my fall so that my legs wouldn't break and I won't die," Zoe replied. "Dad taught me that trick so that I wouldn't die from falling from a height too big of a height."

"How do you have such control over your father's element?" Athena asked with narrowed eyes. "I believe that, as powers are passed on, they become weaker every generation."

"You are mostly correct, Lady Athena," Percy replied now beside his lover, with his arm wrapped around her waist and pulling her close. "You obviously forgot who her mother is. Tell me, and anyone who can guess this will not have to pay me for my next mission, what is one of the factors in making waves?"

"The gravitational pull of the sun and moon," Annabeth replied. "That's why she's strong. Her mother's domain helps create the waves of oceans."

"But she is a forbidden demigoddess," Hera said with narrowed eyes. "Not to mention Artemis broke her oath to never have children..."

"And I'd break it again," Artemis told Hera surprising everyone. "But only with the man I love."

"Then I'll kill that despicable Sea Spawn," Zeus growled as he summoned his Master Bolt.

"You do that, and you'll lose a daughter," Artemis said. "And an Olympian."

"You would rather be with a Sea Spawn than with one of the men that send a betrothal request?" Zeus asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Yes," Artemis replied. "Because I love him, father, I have since he saved me from under the sky and I always will."

Zoe then, with the baby seal eyes that were patented by her father, said, "Please don't kill my Papa, Grandpa. I don't want to lose a family member. Do you think that you can keep him alive for me? Please?"

Zeus took a look into Zoe's eyes and he immediately knew he made a mistake as he could barely resist his own daughter's baby doe eyes and now it's the second coming of Zeus being wrapped around one's finger, and so the Olympian King said, "Fine... Just for you."

Zoe then smiled wide and said, "Thank you Grandpa!"

Smirking, Artemis turned to Percy and said, "He's not the only one who is wrapped around Zoe's little finger. Isn't that right, Percy?"

"I do not know what you are talking about," Percy replied.

The assassin then turned to Hades and said, "I would like to speak with an ancestor of mine. Could you make that happen?"

"His name?"

"Kenway," Percy replied with a smile. That single name had both Athena and Aphrodite blushing with the latter giving off a fangirl-like squeal.

"Kenway," Ares growled. "That devil is your ancestor?! He should've been sent to the Fields of Asphodel!"

With narrowed eyes, Percy drew a pistol and fired it at the god of war, but the bullet missed and Percy said, "Disgrace my ancestors once more, Ares, and I'll put you in the ground faster than you can say 'Oops'. Got it?"

"I'm not scared of you mortal," Ares said. "You may have been able to kill Heracles for good, but I am much more powerful."

"That hasn't stopped me before has it Ares?" the Assassin asked with a smirk. "I have the skills of a Master Assassin and nothing has been able to stop an assassin, and nothing will."

"As much as I like seeing my nephew being put in his place," began Hades. "But I do need to know why you want to meet Edward Kenway."

"I want to know where he placed his assassin robes and where I can find his gear," Percy replied. "As his direct descendant, I wish to bring his story and his gear back into the world. I will also be protecting the Observatory from people who wish to use it for their own gain."

"Very well," replied Hades as his hand was surrounded in an ominous glow and out stepped a man wearing assassin robes with a vest over his chest and had four empty gun holsters as well as two empty sheathes for his swords.

"Where the hell am I?" the man demanded. "Why am I back in the land of the living? I thought I was dead damn it."

"Greetings, Mr. Kenway," Percy said as he walked forwards. "I am Perseus "Percy" Jackson, one of your descendants."

"On my daughter's side?" Edward asked, his brow furrowed. "Or is it from my son's?"

"I believe that it is from one of your many escapades that you and your crew took," Percy replied. "But I have not been able to find out."

Edward looked at him and said, "Find out soon. Now then, why am I back in the world of the living? Better yet, how am I back here?"

"I am the reason that you are back in the world of the living, Mr. Kenway," Hades said as the privateer-turned-assassin turned around and looked at everyone. "We are the Olympians."

"I remember you," Edward said as he pointed to Aphrodite. "And you." He pointed at Athena.

"Hello Mr. Kenway~" Aphrodite said with a slight pur. "It's been quite some time since we've been together."

"Hi Grandpa!" Zoe said with a smile and getting Aphrodite to pout as Edward ignored the goddess of beauty.

"Well now who is this pretty lass?" Edward asked his many great grandson.

"This is my daughter Zoe," Percy replied. "She's about 13 right now. And this beautiful woman right beside me is her mother, Artemis."

"You have a beautiful family, Percy," Edward replied, before getting serious. "Now why am I here?"

"I want to know where your old suit is and your old gear is as well," Percy replied. "I think that it's high time I respect my family legacy. Eh, Grandfather?"

Edward smirked and said, "Aye, lad. Now then, before I tell you where it is, I have some advice for you. Do not take the road that is filled with glory, fame and riches. For you will lose the ones you love. Friends, family even. You will lose everything you ever had. Trust me on this lad, you don't want to take that path. It will only lead to self ruin. I came close, but I turned back. Do not make the same mistakes I made, Perseus. You will regret it later in life."

"I promise," Percy replied.

"Good," Edward said with a nod. "I believe that I ordered the placement of my robes and weapons to be placed in a secret safe that only ones with the Sight could see and with my blood. It is in my manor in London."


"I guess you say that I had help," Edward replied with a quick glance at Athena. "Now my time is up. Good luck, Percy Jackson."

With that, the pirate turned assassin vanished and returned to the Underworld, with Percy saying, "I guess I'm going to Kenway Manor. Anyone care to join?"

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