Chapter 9

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A/N: Bold is Iris Message for this chapter. Thank you!

"Are you ready?" Artemis asked her hunters as she prepared to flash to Olympus.

"Yeah, mom," Zoe replied with a smirk as Percy said, "You all know what needs to happen. I will only have one shot to kill Hercules and make him pay for what he did to my brother's wife. So keep the Olympians and the Seven occupied while I do my job. Understood?"

The Hunters nodded and Artemis said, "Be careful, Percy, and return safely."

Percy nodded before he kissed his beloved and when they separated, Artemis flashed them into her palace and the Hunters followed their patron to the throne room where Zeus said, "Where is your child, Artemis? And your lover?"

"Safe," Artemis replied, her arms crossed.

"IRIS!" Zeus thundered as a misty screen appeared. "Show us Artemis's child and lover, and make it so that we can hear them, but they can't hear us."

Thalia and the rest of the hunters expected it to show Zoe watching TV in her mom's palace, but instead it showed Zoe in a tree somewhere on Olympus watching Hercules being surrounded by a small group of bodyguards.

"Where's dad?" they heard her ask as she glanced up at a building before looking at a bench and everyone saw a hooded man, his eyes being shadowed by the hood, with two flintlock pistols on the sides, a bastard sword that had steel and gold on the blade and a steel and bronze bladed dagger. "There he is."

"What is his name?" Athena asked her sister. "Why does he have weapons on his person? Why is he looking at Hercules? And why is your child following it's father?"

"In order?" Artemis asked as her sister nodded. "He's the Hero of Olympus, he's an assassin, he's doing his job, and Zoe wanted to help her father out by killing the guards."

The Olympians were silent until dear old Hestia said, "It's good to see that my favorite nephew is doing something about the bastard who forced himself upon my favorite Roman. I would've killed him myself, but luckily, my second favorite nephew told me that he hired someone else to do it."

"But what about me, Aunt Vesta?" Jason asked knowing who she was talking about. "Why am I not your favorite?"

Hestia just gave the Son of Jupiter a look that clearly read: Think about it. And Jason was quiet for a moment before conceding and saying, "Good points."

They all then turned back to the Iris message and saw that Zoe and her father had followed the God of Strength and his guards back to his palace and Zoe climbed up the palace walls and unto the roof, where she could hear Hercules bragging about how 'Reyna was the best one yet' and how 'he's going to take Artemis next'. Of course, Artemis, Hestia, Poseidon, and Apollo all could read lips and lets just say that they're rooting for Percy.

"What are they saying?" Percy asked his daughter whom he snuck up from behind.

"How he had fun with Reyna and mom is next," Zoe replied. not even a bit surprised that her father snuck up from behind her eyes glowing sea green and silver at the same time. "I can't wait till that bastard is dead."

"Come on," Percy told his daughter. "I need you to kill the guards so that I won't be interrupted. Alright?"

Zoe nodded, before jumping from the roof and landing on a thick tree branch that easily held her weight.

"Iris," Artemis said. "Could you please put it in Zoe's perspective for us?"

The screen then turned an odd shade of blue and 10 or so red figures appeared and Artemis said, "Thank you."

The Daughter of the Assassin and the HuntressHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin