A date whit Branch rocker - Chapter 1.

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A year had passed after peace was established between the 6 troll tribes and their small sub tribes, Poppy and Branch were enjoying their new relationship, young and still inexperienced they spent their days together forging their bond of love, even so not everything was honey on top of flakes for this sweet mismatched couple; the village was less than a week away for the annual celebration that the queen of pop had established to commemorate the end of the troll wars. Branch was preparing breakfast while humming a song, a big smile lit up the young man's face as he went to the table to place the waffles on Poppy's plate, 5 waffles exactly, he put the exact amount of syrup that she loved, for him a little coffee with a couple of waffles was enough; After placing the table with love and care he went to the room to wake up Poppy, her hair was loose and her locks covered part of her face, when he saw her a big sigh came from the bottom of his being, he still could not believe how happy he was in these moments, slowly he approached his hand to remove the locks from Poppy's face and to be able to see her better, He delicately planted a furtive kiss on her lips to wake her up, it was in those moments where the desire to embrace her and kiss her with passion was born, not a simple embrace of any troll, he wanted to go further, to unleash all the love that his soul professed, but our dear Branch was still too shy and above all, he was afraid of offending her; With that kiss Poppy opened her eyes and smiled at the contrary.

—Good morning my queen, your breakfast is served your majesty —Branch gave her a flirtatious smile while waking up Poppy who had spent the previous night inside the aforementioned's bunker.

—Branch, I told you to only call me by my name —the young queen smiled as she grabbed her boyfriend's cheek to reciprocate the previous kiss.

—Okay, let's go to breakfast, I prepared your favorite, waffles with syrup just the way you like it. —They made their way to the table where the blue troll was finally able to take a satisfying sip of his hot coffee.

—Thank you Branch, you're a wonderful cook, it's delicious as always.

—Thank you, now I have the list of your duties that I HOPE! Branch pulled out a small list from a pocket inside his robe.

— Hadn't my orders been to sing and dance? —Asked the queen as she took a sip of her coffee while looking at her boyfriend.

— Poppy! —claimed the troll in his classic growling tone.

—Oh you don't know how cute you look like that grumpy, grunt more come on I want to hear that "roar" —Poppy smiled mischievously making his upper teeth protrude, Branch was still a little shy so he just blushed and lowered his ears in sorrow.

—Po...Po... Poppy! —Branch ducked his ears as he cringed in embarrassment.

—He grabbed the paper in his hands to check his actual duties, among all the obligations on the list there was one specific one. I forgot, there is less than a week to organize the annual party for the end of the war, Branch, you have to help me with the invitations.

—But you put me in charge of removing the lint plague from the western part of the village and then help the children with their dance classes and then I have to go check my traps —Branch excused himself not being able to help her due to his multiple tasks.

—Crap, never mind, I'll see you later, we'll do everything while we sing and dance —he gave her the last sip of coffee so he could leave and fix himself in his cocoon.

— Wait Poppy! —Branch stopped her.

— What's the matter? —When she looked up she felt nervous, Branch was trembling and didn't know where to look.

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