A date whit zombie rock Branch (Part 4)

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Caution: Medium grade romantic scenes.

Branch lay in bed being lulled sweetly by Poppy to stop the constant feverish nightmares, the troll queen had managed to reassure him with pampering, kisses, caresses and whispers to indicate that he did not go anywhere; He was looking at Branch with a tender smile now that he remained peacefully asleep, noticing every detail of his body, his calm countenance and matted hair the product of the spell in which Barb had put him, the tattoos that combined very well with his strengthened muscular body. Over the years, the many scars that his working body had accumulated over time, Branch began to move restlessly as he cried out for Poppy or sometimes his grandmother, frowned and his beautiful peaceful face was stained with the pain of a nightmare , —Shh, I'm here!— Poppy said bringing her lips close to Branch's ear to relax him, in a matter of seconds the face of the blue troll regained its tranquility and a smile appeared on his lips.

—How cute, she laughs in her dreams —Poppy said as she stroked her boyfriend; Taking a thermometer, he measured the temperature to see what state he was in, it began to drop but it was still high, in the mind of the young bluish troll thousands of thoughts swirled in a hurry, as if it were a movie in a fast bed that showed him each and every one of the moments of his life, and in all of them was his beautiful queen, at no stage did he regret loving her as he did, in his life there was no more complete happiness than he had with the woman who rescued him from his terrible bitterness, the nightmares and torments faded in the depths of his mind and became more and more distant, like a bad dream that you bury deep in your memory; inside his mind he was rescued by a gigantic pink light that took him and gave him unparalleled warmth.

—Sleep Branch —Poppy said as she watched as Branch unconsciously snuggled into her lap as she sat next to him, still feeling guilty because thanks to her, Branch had caught a cold and all thanks to her indecision, everything had been so Perfect but she ruined everything with her indecision and lack of attention to her boyfriend's emotions, she had not realized that Branch's shyness and social anxiety had not completely disappeared as she believed, but all that would change As soon as she recovers she would make sure to listen to her boyfriend and accept all the love he had for her.


It was already one in the afternoon of the fifth day in troll village, the leaders were at a lunch served by all the friendly pop troll who made sure that their long stay was rewarding, the leaders had no choice but to wait for the pop queen and her boyfriend to come out, they found a way to kill their boredom by focusing their attention on Wani and Tresillo and their possible union, they watched with hidden attention every step that the aforementioned took.

—Me tienen cagado con estos dulces, every day the same, sweet for breakfast, lunch or dinner, I want fish, an arepa! SOMEONE BRING ME SANCOCHO! —Trillo said reluctantly eating a cake.

—For eating like that, you have that belly —Wani was saying as he ate.

—Belly? No miss, this is love for you that I have left —Wani only rolled his eyes ignoring that comment.

—Don't complain, Tresillo, you're a guest, and don't eat so much that later at night I can't stand your flatulence —Wani said to Tresillo.

—Que pedo ni que nada, are sighs from my butt that is in love, for you mamita —Tresillo said as he took the last bite of his cake.

—Ohh! —They were all surprised.

—What's wrong? —Wani asked, seeing that everyone was surprised for a reason that she did not understand.

—And how do you know that it has farts at night? —Kim Pettit asked her friend Wani who froze after analyzing what she had said, Tresillo didn't say a word, just smiled at Wani and moved his eyebrows up and down while looking at her.

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