A date whit Branch rocker - Chapter 2.

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— Wow, Branch! —The licking took Poppy by surprise who by pure inertia pushed the troll away from her personal space putting a hand on her cheek, after realizing what she did she felt a little guilt for rejecting him that way, but she didn't expect to be received like that by her boyfriend who always used to hug and kiss her gently and not like a hungry wolf, she expected an angry growl from the blue troll, far from getting angry, Branch took the troll queen's hand and rubbed it delicately against her face, smelling it deeply, he took the back of her hand and planted a delicate and gentle kiss, Poppy was delighted with that gesture of chivalry— Wow Branch! I don't know what you've got but I think I like it —Poppy smiled tenderly, Branch's gallant ways ended up taking on a bit of roughness, he grabbed her wrist and spread a path of kisses down her arm with much desperation until he reached her mouth and planted a wild deep French kiss, since when was he so assertive? In a lifetime of knowing him it was she who took the initiative, she tried in vain to push him away as she wanted an explanation, as much as she liked Branch boldly she had to admit something was wrong, this was not normal for him; Branch dragged her until he cornered her against the wall while he grabbed her wrists to stop her from trying to escape, he kissed her so wildly that little by little the young queen gave in until she melted all over, she felt so ecstatic that she lost track of reality, she let him introduce his tongue and move it as much as he pleased while his curious hands ran all over her making her shudder, after they both ran out of oxygen and their lips burned as they explored their mouths they pulled away and looked at each other, Poppy still stunned could see in the eyes of the other a mixture of love and desire to devour her, she felt a shiver when she saw such intensity.

— Why are you so perfect? —The blue troll barely articulated words, he did it in a sensual whisper that provoked Poppy currents down her back and made her smile as she had never smiled before.

—Awwww Branch how sweet was that, you never behave like that —she smiled still stunned by that wild moment, her sanity and reasoning suddenly returned, it was true, he usually didn't behave in that sassy way, where had his shy and adorable grumpy self gone— that's right, that's not you, what the hell happened to you?

Poppy pushed Branch away while she looked for a phone in the area, of the few people who had technology in the village Branch was one of them, she called directly to the cell phone of the queen Essence.

Poppy? —On the other end of the line the funk queen answered.

— Would you be so kind as to explain to me what the heck is going on here and why Branch is a zombie rock again? —Poppy wanted explanations of what had happened to her boyfriend, she demanded them.

Oh, honey, it's just that we... — On the other end of the line she heard the phone being snatched up.

Vea mija, don't ask and just take advantage of the bug, ya tu sabe mi reina —Tresillo spoke on the other end of the line, again the phone was snatched by another person.

Get out of here you degenerate! Ugh... Poppy? This is Barb, we'll cut to the chase, we saw how you and your little boyfriend were having problems, you weren't listening and he's very shy, so you're not coming out until you've talked —Barb didn't beat around the bush, he made things clear to Poppy who didn't seem to take it very well.

— Talk? TALK?!? BUT HE JUST SAID...! AHHHH! —Poppy was surprised by Branch who hugged her back without warning, kissed her repeatedly on the cheek and they twirled around until they were entangled by the phone cord.

Uy que rico parce, quiubo pues, put that high voice I want to hear —Tresillo's comments on the other end of the line were silenced by a slap.

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