A date whit Branch rocker - Chapter 3.

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It was the dawn of the fourth day, Poppy had tried to escape countless times to talk to the troll leaders but always found everything blocked with heavy stones or the bunker's difficult security system, she had found a way to keep Branch away and control him until everyone upstairs deigned to let her out. Even though his shyness was no longer present in his memory, his habits and way of being were still as ingrained in him as a weed, when Poppy felt her desires to be with him overcame her she just needed to make a whole mess and Branch would drop everything to go and clean it up, the last thing he had made was a huge big cake, Branch spent the whole day trying to organize everything as it was until he collapsed limp on the floor; it was about 5 pm on the fourth day when Branch felt satisfied with the appearance of his neat and immaculate kitchen, he found himself so tired that as soon as he took a seat in front of the kitchen table he collapsed right there, Poppy felt a little guilty for forcing him to work so hard but at the same time she let out a low chuckle, seeing him asleep was cute according to her.

—How handsome you look —mused the pink troll seeing him so calm, she approached her boyfriend to grab him by the hair and take him to his room which by the way was also messy, she fixed the bed before putting him to bed, she knew very well the tricks that the blue troll had and one of them was that if there was not a perfectly arranged bed there would be no good sleep for him and that meant a not happy Branch at all; With the bed made and Branch resting she wandered aimlessly throughout the bunker, she remembered that on countless occasions he warned her not to walk so carelessly around his house as the tunnel system he had was very large and complex, she laughed as she remembered how by not listening to him she ended up lost in the tunnels where she kept her clothes for two days, Branch found her playing and trying on all her clothes, a smile appeared on her lips as a way of apologizing for having disobeyed his rules, instead of a reprimand or a scolding she received an indulgent smile along with many hugs and worried kisses; many memories came to her memory at that moment, like the day Branch tried to include her in his hard workout routine at his gym, which of course didn't work, she just leered at him and said many compliments while lifting the weights, she laughed remembering the embarrassed face she made at the time and how they almost ended up doing it but Branch was still fighting her refusal of contact, she also remembered the silly lover's quarrels where she would constantly forget important dates or events or if some troll from another tribe wanted to get smart with her Branchie as she sometimes affectionately called him; Poppy had wandered through the tunnels and without realizing where she was going ended up lost in a basement where Branch kept junk that he no longer used but was still important; This place was like entering a part of Branch's mind where he didn't like to be, hundreds of high caliber weapons, spears and cannonballs, figures with Bergens and martial arts training machines, books on the art of war and extreme survival methods in case of emergency, she felt a little bad for not noticing the sadness that one of her own was suffering; As she walked through the tunnels she came across a room decorated with flowers and a sweet scent coming out of it, at the entrance there was a huge warning not to enter, excited about that place where she had never been she decided to enter without thinking about anything.

—Branch is a zombie, he won't be able to tell me anything —Ignoring the warning she entered what seemed to her a place of joy and colors, indeed it had colors and sweet objects, flowers and perfumes adorned the room, at the back there was a small altar cared in such a way that whoever saw it would say that this person was very important, Poppy approached cautiously while she realized who it was, a sweet old lady smiled in that picture next to a happy little troll, it was Branch next to her grandmother, scented candles, roses of many colors and old letters adorned the place, she took some of them and began to read them carefully.

Granny, there is not a day that I don't miss your hugs and kisses, I don't like any other cake than yours granny; I hope and you are not disappointed in me, today I was cruel again with Poppy, I really don't want to do it but it irritates me a lot.

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