Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and Anaira was busy cleaning and organizing her room. She was a very lazy person when it came to the household chores. She always kept postponing the cleaning process thinking to do it on weekends or some other days when she felt like doing some work. But today she was determined because her room was a mess. It had been 1.5 months since she came to Mumbai and days were running out really fast.

She had got adjusted to this new lifestyle. She was enjoying her work as well. She was getting to learn so many things from Aditya. Speaking of Aditya, he was still the same. Sometimes he was nice and sometimes he was his grumpy self. Anaira had got used to his mood swings and it didn't bother her anymore or that's what she thought.

She was lost in her thoughts when her phone started ringing. It was from Sneha, her bhabhi.

"Hello Bhabhi!" Anaira said excitedly.

"Hello! What's up?" Sneha replied.

"Nothing much. I was cleaning my room actually. It had become a complete mess." Anaira said.

"Oh! Is it done? You could've taken help from the help who comes to your apartment right?" she asked.

"No bhabhi. She does clean everything else. But I atleast want to clean my own room. I have become so lazy these days." Anaira replied with a sigh.

"How's work? How's that handsome boss of yours?" Sneha asked to tease Anaira. She always pulled Anaira's leg by mentioning Aditya.

Anaira blushed at the mention of Aditya's name. She had admitted to Sneha that she had a teeny-weeny crush on him. Sneha always pulled her leg taking his name.

Though she had told Sneha that it was just a small crush, she knew it wasn't that simple. She had started liking him without even realising it. She observed his every move. She stole glances at him and she used to terribly miss him when he wasn't around.

She hadn't told this to Simran as she was scared that Simran might tell this to Nishant and then it might reach Aditya. She thought that one the internship is over, she will forget him eventually. But she didn't want to go away from him as well. It was becoming hard for her to cope up with these new feelings. She didn't understand how she started developing feelings for him even though he was rude to her most of the times.

"Hello Anaira, are you still there? Did you start dreaming about your prince charming just at the mention of his name?" Sneha's voice got her back from her thoughts.

"No babhi! I was just thinking something. Work is fine and so is Aditya. Sometimes normal and sometimes grumpy." Anaira responded feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Okay. Mummy ji is calling me. I'll talk to you later. Keep dreaming!" Sneha said.

Anaira continued her task of decluttering her room and her phone rang again. It was her best friend Sharanya.

Sharanya was currently in London for work. Anaira and her were childhood friends. Sharanya's parents moved to Pune when they were in highschool. Sharanya's family lived in Pune but she lived in Mumbai since her college. She was to come back to India in few months.

They both spoke casually as they cursed this bad timing of how Anaira is in Mumbai but Sharanya if away. She so wanted to be with her best friend.

Anaira spent her weekend thinking/dreaming about Aditya and doing her work. Simran was busy as well with her cousin's wedding shopping and preps. She invited Anaira for shopping as well but she was too lazy to go and decided to stay in.

She was making coffee on Sunday evening when her phone rang and it was Aditya calling her which made her heart race.

"Hello?" she said.

"Anaira where is the project file of Shah Constructions?" he asked.

'No 'Hi' no 'Hello'' she thought in her mind.

"It in the shared folder under the name 'New Projects' sir" she replied.

"Are you sure? I can't find it." he said.

"Yes, I'm sure. I updated the information and saved it on to that folder on Friday." she said.

"Login to your computer and check now. I need it for the meeting tomorrow." he said

Anaira quickly opened her laptop and logged in. She checked and found that the file was indeed missing. She froze imagining the consequences of this.

END of Chapter 11!

I hope all of you are fine at this crucial time. Please stay safe and take care of yourselves and your family ❤️

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