Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

On Saturday, Aditya arrived around 4.50 PM. Anaira, after contemplating on what to wear since morning had settled for a jeans and a simple top. She didn't want to impress him or anything, right?

Once he arrived, she asked him if he wanted something to drink. He was quick to say chai (Tea). He really had become a fan of her masala chai. After drinking the tea, they started working on the training. Aditya was very well prepared for this. He had made a list of topics to be covered and also assignments. How did he get time for this? He's always busy. Anaira thought to herself.

After two weeks, Anaira could say that she had become a bit more relaxed around Aditya. She didn't get that scared of him anymore. Also he had asked her to call him Aditya.

"This is not office so you can call me by my name." he had said one day.

Anaira took sometime to get accustomed to calling him by his name. But now she was used to it. And she was very thankful to him for teaching her taking time out of his busy schedule.

On the other hand, Aditya enjoyed the little time he got with her and of course he loved the chai. She is so innocent he thought and was a very quick learner too. That chai and small talks that they had, he really liked spending time with her. He didn't want to let her go even after the internship. She would be a really good asset to the company, he thought.

Rishi was going to be in Mumbai for his meeting with the investors. Anaira had promised him that she'll meet him. She had to inform Aditya that she will be busy in the coming weekend.

She went to his cabin and told him about it. Aditya asked her "Can I ask why?"

"My friend is coming from Delhi. I'm going to meet him." she replied.

"Okay." he had replied even though he wasn't feeling okay.

Rishi had a meeting with different investors on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

On Friday, Rishi had called Anaira stating that he'll pick her up from the office and they can go out for dinner. He was going to be in Mumbai until Sunday.

Anaira wanted to leave early on Friday. She went and asked Aditya's permission to leave an hour early that is around 5. She had never asked to leave early this past 3 months and he couldn't say no as there was no work as well.

Anaira got ready to leave and she told Simran, "Come with me, I'll introduce you to Rishi. He's downstairs."

Aditya had heard her speaking to Simran. He was upset that she's meeting this Rishi guy and she seemed very happy and excited about it.

He had followed the girls downstairs to see who the guy was. He made an excuse of getting a parcel from the reception. He saw Anaira, Simran and a guy talking to them as he walked towards the reception which was just a few feet away from where they were standing.

When Anaira heard his voice, she looked towards him and said "Hi sir" and then he looked towards them and replied "Hi!"

"This is my friend Rishi." she introduced both of them.

"Nice to meet you Mr Kapoor. Anaira has told so much about you." Rishi said.

"I hope all good things." Aditya said smiling wickedly.

After the introductions were done Simran said "Chalo, you guys have a nice time. Bye!"

Rishi and Anaira went to a restaurant and then they went to the beach. Anaira had come here before once with Simran.

Rishi told Anaira about meeting Dia in Delhi. They both were school friends. They had a complicated relationship back in the school days. They had lost contact after they both went to different colleges.

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