Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

Aditya was in his office in the Silicon valley, it was a week after he had come to the US. He had received numerous texts from Anaira and she had also called him quite a few times. But he never answered her texts or calls.

He had thought a lot about it. But all his thoughts were negative. Coming here to the US was not helping with the current situation, it only made him remember all the previous incidents that happened and cluttered his mind with more negativity.

On the other hand Anaira was lost. He was not even assigning her any work. She got all the information through Simran. She was tired of crying and looked dull and lifeless. 

Simran had asked her if something was wrong or if she was sick, but she just brushed it off by saying that she's just tired. Simran had been very busy with Aditya being away. She didn't get time to sit and talk to Anaira properly.

It was Anaira's last week in the office. Aditya was still not back. It was Tuesday and Anaira's last day was on Friday.

This made Anaira even more sad, she didn't want to go back without talking to him or without seeing him. She missed him so much which only made her shed more tears. She had been crying herself to sleep everyday and had a constant headache because of all the crying.

On Wednesday, Anaira had a surprise. You guessed it right, Aditya was back. But she hardly got a glimpse of him as he was busy with some clients whole day and Anaira was not included in those meetings as it included only board members.

She was waiting to meet him in the evening but to her disappointment Aditya left office early around 5PM and he had walked right in front of her without even glancing at her. Anaira looked at him getting a glimpse of him after such a long time made her happy and sad at the same time. She wanted to hug him and say sorry to him. If only he gave her a chance to talk.

Thursday was same as well. He had avoided her the whole day. And in the evening Simran and Nishant had asked her to go out with them for a small farewell party. Anaira couldn't say no to her friends. Nishant had asked Aditya to join them but he refused to go, giving some excuse.

Simran and Nishant gave Anaira a nice pair of sneakers as a farewell gift. They knew that Anaira loved sneakers and could pair them with anything. Anaira gave Simran a beautiful dress and a perfume to Nishant. Nishant loved perfumes and had a huge collection.

She tried to be happy for her friends though she was hurting inside. She tried to forget about a certain Aditya and have a nice time with them.

Nishant dropped Anaira to her apartment. Once she was back in her apartment she had let her tears flow which she had been holding all this while.

She thought about him and his actions that were hurting so much. 'Did our relationship mean so less to him that he is not even giving me a chance to explain myself? Does he hate me so much that he doesn't even want to see my face now?' she thought as she sat on her bed crying.

It was Friday finally and Anaira's last day in the office as well. Aditya had successfully avoided her till afternoon. He had successfully snubbed all her attempts of trying to talk to him these past couple of days.

In the afternoon, they had held a small farewell for her in office. Aditya's dad was invited as well.  Aditya had refused to attend that which made Anaira feel even more sad if that was even possible.

Her colleagues congratulated her and wished her luck. She promised to keep in touch with everyone. She was going to miss all this. Especially Simran, she had been like a sister to her. And Nishant too!

Simran made her promise that she will come to her and Nishant's wedding a week ahead and help her. Also threatened her not to get married without inviting them.

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