Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

The days passed by and Anaira avoided Aditya like he didn't exist. Not that he was making an effort to talk to her in the first place. He was in his own world with his confused self.

On Wednesday, Nishant and Anaira had to attend a meeting. After the meeting, Nishant asked Anaira if she needed a cup of coffee. Anaira agreed and they both walked towards the cafeteria and while they were there, Nishant spotted Aditya sitting there as well. Anaira didn't notice where they were going until they reached the table and Nishant greeted Aditya.

"Hey Adi, wassup?" he said.

Aditya just nodded at him. Nishant asked Anaira to sit and he would go and get their coffee. Anaira told him to sit down and that she would go and get their coffees. She didn't give him any chance to talk as she walked towards the coffee stall. She didn't want to sit with him alone.

Once she was back with their cups of coffee Nishant asked her "Are you busy this weekend? I was thinking we could go out. All of us you know. Once the marriage date is close we will not have time." he told her.

"Nishant I'm going home on Thursday. I will only be back next week." Anaira told him.

"Why are you going home all of a sudden? Is something wrong?" he asked her.

"No everything is fine. I was missing everyone so I thought I will visit for a week. I will be working from home though." Anaira told him.

"Okay. Hope you will be back with full energy Anu. Cause these days you look tired and dull and you're not even telling us if there's something wrong." Nishant told her with concern evident in his voice.

Aditya looked at her face at this instance, she still looked dull and lifeless. But she was still not looking at him. She could feel his eyes staring at her. She resisted the urge to look at his face.

"Nish, I'm totally fine. I'm not sure why you're not believing me." she told Nishant with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Alright I won't ask you about this anymore." Nishant told her. He didn't want to force her to tell anything if she wasn't willing to do that.


On Thursday morning Anaira went to Aditya's place to meet his mom. She wanted to meet her before she left for Delhi. She also wanted to tell her about shifting to the apartment next week.

Aditya's mom wasn't happy about her shifting but she didn't want to force her to stay as well.

She also knew that there was something wrong between Aditya and Anaira. She had observed how they avoided each other always. But she didn't want to ask them unless they wanted to tell her everything by themselves. They're mature enough to solve their problems, she thought.

On Thursday Anaira went home taking the evening flight. She wanted to forget about Aditya and spend her time with her family. She spent her days working and also enjoying her free time with everyone at home.

She spent most of her time with Sneha listening to her pregnancy tales. She was very excited to welcome her niece or nephew.

Anaira's mom had noticed her being dull and asked her few times if she was alright. Anaira just told her that she's stressed with work and nothing else.


After one week Anaira returned to Mumbai. It was Friday evening when Anaira was back in Mumbai and Aditya's mom had told her that she has to stay at least for a day in their house before she shifted to the apartment. Anaira also had to pack her remaining things from there.

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