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Percy had gone off to the pet shop to buy new fish. He had just set up a medium-sized tank, cycled it and is itching to buy new fish.

College is stressing so he needs some therapy stuff. And he chose the cute fishies. Well, aside from being a part-time killer he's also a guy trying to achieve that high mark.

The chimes rang, "Good morning." He said lazily, but the pet shop guy has turned that atmosphere into a cheerful air. "Here to pick up the betta?"

"Yeah. The half-moon plakat. Solid white isn't it?" Percy was excited to see his fish. Like a child, his feet were slightly drifting. "They're solid but they change colors. This might turn into white and blue marble."

"Well tha-"

"Excuse me, can I use the telephone?" A person interrupted their conversation. He looked at them both, noticing their confusion. "Ah, I'm sorry. I'm Police Head Richard Leaf. My phone's missing, probably just at my place."

Percy's interest started to spark. He immediately thought of something, "Oh, you can use my phone. It channels faster than this telephone. This is busted." Percy offered his phone.

Leaf smiled at Percy's act of kindness and took that as it is. Percy then got his fish, and was just waiting for his phone.

"Uhmm, Pandorra? Yeah. What fish food was it again? I forgot."

Pandorra? Percy already knew who's the Pandorra he is talking about.

Pandorra, missing a surname, is a psychologist/detective who worked on big crimes such as the curtain slashing and the bridge massacre.

"Google was pretty useful that time." He muttered.

"Thank you young man," he addressed Percy as a young man. Well, relative to his own age, Richard realized he was getting old. And running out of time to marry Pandorra. Well assuming Pandorra likes him back. Very gullible, very naive.

"You're welcome." Percy stuck his hand. "Percy Night." Richard shook it. Leaf realized Percy had the 'interest' eyes in him. He shrugged it off. "Ah uhmm, yeah. You know prime start fish food?"

"Ah yes. It's this," Percy pointed on the glass display. The fish food with the golden packaging. "Hmm. Fish enthusiast?"

"Yes." Percy chuckled. "College has been stressing me out lately." Leaf replied with a chuckle too.

"Picking this up for someone. Fish enthusiast too. Very energetic," Leaf continued to talk but Percy was reading every information like a newspaper.

Pandorra. Fish enthusiast? He can quickly use that interest to connect with her. It made him smile.

Percy left shortly after and acclimated his fish. Cleaned up his stuff and layed down in bed. "Pandorra. I want to know what's in your box."

He logged onto various aquarium forums, searching for Pandorra's account. But to no avail. He's not too smart in this stuff, he admits. "Wait, the phone number." He grabbed his phone and typed in her number on the search blog area.

"BINGO!" He exclaimed. His smile was very genuine, it showed his handsome and charming side. If he had just wore less hoodies and a hair that stooped down, maybe he'd be more prince-like. That would be a big asset in his murder sprees, he thought.

Pandorra was using the name Persephone in the forum. Percy then digged more into her information. It turned out, she has a habit of using Greek mythology names that started with the letter 'P' as her username.

"Hmm. Persephone, Poseidon, Penelope, Perseus. Damn this woman is weird," He noted each one of her username and titled the note "for later purposes."

He got off his laptop and decided to do laundry. He later realized was missing something on his closet. "Fuck,"

"I forgot to pick up my suit after Anthropology class. Fuck, fuck fuck! Percy you are so fucking dumb."

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