iii. Open your box, Pandorra.

9 3 0

"Wilbur, I am not your puppet?"

"I can remove you as police chief."

"I can remove you out of this world." Pandorra pulled out her gun and pointed it on Wilbur's head. "You may be mayor, but you're never a man."

Wilbur pulled out his rifle. A rifle that stuck from the bottom of his desk. "Did not think that the power I gave you would get into your head."

Pandorra was intimidated. A rifle in her face handled by a man of large stature.

"Feels good." Pandorra scoffed. "Wilbur, you are not a mayor. You're better off a beggar, a street cleaner, a lowly scum."

Pandorra was observing Wilbur's hands and fingers.

Woah, this shit doesn't even know where to put his hands. Except the finger on the trigger, it would blow his face out to shoot me. Pandorra analyzed the situation.

"I liked your time as mayor actually," Pandorra lowered her head. "you've done good." Wilbur wasn't near losing his stance. Pandorra is stuck in a tight situation.

"Perhaps I treated you too harshly." Pandorra apologized. She locked her eyes on the swivel chair. Her thin legs won't be able to push him back the window against him. He either kills Wilbur or make it look like hr commited suicide.

"Shut up Pandorra." Wilbur chuckled, "I know who you are."

"No you don't. Stop playing mind games with me." Pandorra was confident. He was the better person her. A doctor and detective might look nothing compared to a city mayor, but the power she holds now, she can have someone to clean up her mess.

"Pandorra, who killed your mother?"

Pandorra did not hesitate. Five gunshots were heard from the mayor's office. Well, five gunshots resonated. No one heard it. It was 9 in the evening, and everyone was still afraid of going outside too much. Even after Percy's death.

Nobody talks about my mother.

The door opened, it's Swordtail. Horrified by what he saw. He did not hesitate, he shot Pandorra in her shoulder. Pandorra's gun slid across the room as she tumbled to the ground.

Pandorra grunted. It was painful, of course it was. She muttered. "Swordtail, you have made a terrible mistake!" Pandorra was palpitating. She's trying to defend herself.

"Why did you kill him?!" Swordtail has been loyal to the mayor. And he considered Swordtail as a friend already. Though he was holding on for the money.

He has a family to feed.

Pandorra put her arms behind her and sneakily got her phone. She beeped the FBI. Sending them a 'mayday' signal.

Swordtail, it's not what you think!" Pandorra needs to buy herself time. Approximately 10 minutes of it.

"I should've known."

"No. Wilbur was threatening to kill me."

Swordtail approached him, pointing the gun at his head. "Goodbye."

Swordtail was on the right side this time. Only if he had done it sooner. The door opened, a camera flash illuminated the scene.

The FBI captured him.

"No. Y-Y'all are mistaken!" Pandorra gave her one last smile.

The newspapers were quick to hear the buzz.

Personal Investigator kills Mayor Wilbur Ash, Police Head Pandorra caught victim.

"It's a good day in the avenue." Pandorra opened her curtains. The orange sunlight struck her face, the coffee's breath slowly made its way into her nose.

She's recovering from the gunshot in her apartment. She threw the newspaper to her worktable and went to a large indoor tub she set up.

Percy's Koi fish are swimming freely. She's taking care of them now.

"They're getting big." She muttered as she threw the fish food to the water.

She opened the TV and went to her coffee.

"10 rushed to the hospital, dead. From a fruitcake?"

"Fruitcake?" She chuckled. "Who even eats fruitcake."

She turned the TV off and pretended everything was fine.

"Damn I forgot to visit Richard's grave yesterday," she whispered.

Death. Is Just Forever Sleep. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now