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At a certain point in time in my life, I was convinced that destiny had it out for me. I was certain that for the rest of my existence, I was going to be alone.

Eventually, Juliette would have children and I would spoil them as if they were my own. I would grow old and and her kids would look up to me as their cool uncle who was too suave to ever settle down.

Then one day I'd die. A decorated fireman with hundreds of saves under his belt. My body would lie there, wearing away, cold and alone, forevermore.

The thought terrified me.

I was mortified of my own fate and I didn't know how to save myself.

Some might say that I saved Nerida, but I don't think they realize that it's the other way around.

Nerida Spade saved me.

I was at such a dark point in my life and she brought light. I hadn't laughed in years, but with Nerida, there hasn't been a day gone by where I haven't smiled.

I needed Nerida, yes, but I wanted her. You see the thing with the word need, is that it infers necessity. In this case it says that without her I will not survive and that's a given with Nerida and I.

The thing is, I wanted her. I desired her and I was so lucky to have her.

Nerida was the greatest thing to ever happen to me and I made sure she knew that every single day.

"You look so pretty in the morning sun," I heard her whisper from behind me. I was sat at the edge of the bed and I turned to find her staring up at me drowsily.

The silk sheet barely covered anything, lazily draped across her body.

I averted my eyes.

"I think that's my line babygirl," I smiled and kissed her, uncaring of anything else.

"Mmmm," she hummed and sat up. Her legs were silky smooth, looking as though they went on for miles even if we both knew she was just above average height.

Without breaking the kiss, she maneuvered her way off the bed and stood between my legs.

Her body felt so soft against mine and I couldn't resist reaching out and touching her. She broke the kiss and tossed her head back as I kissed my way down her neck.

After almost six months, you'd think I'd get accustomed to the feelings she brought out in me, but every time felt like the first time to me.

"You want some breakfast?" She asked, moaning the rest of the sentence when I bit down on her delicate skin.

"I'm having my breakfast right now," I cockily replied.

"You won't eat what I want you to so don't waste my time."

I almost choked.

Too much time with Juliette and months of sexual frustration has turned my precious angel into a nymph in heat.

I ignored her statement and tried to gather my bearings. We crawled out of bed and Nerida's smug face was apparent.

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