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"Ya alright'?"

I looked at Niall as he glanced at me as he stopped at a red light and I nodded.

"Yeah, just nervous." I admitted, a sympathetic smile being thrown my way in response.

Just nervous was actually an understatement, I was incredibly nervous and the idea of being up on stage in front of all the people in my class and their friends and families was enough to make me throw up this morning.

"Well, I want it known that I'm very proud of you." Niall smiled just as he pulled into a parking space and I chewed my lip as I fished about in my bag to find some change for him, only to have it waved away as he shoved his own coins into the machine.

"Thank you." I said quietly as we made the short walk towards the main building of my university.

"I mean it Popcorn, you've got a big old fat brain." Niall laughed as he pulled me into a hug as groups of people milling about came into view and I caught sight of Louis waving at us and I nudged Niall.

"Hi guys." I greeted the group as Eleanor jumped on me and I was pulled into a hug, Zayn following suit as Liam, who was here alone, and Louis settled for a nod and smile.

It was weird being back here, I'd only been here a few times since I'd been home and that was mainly because I had a whole bunch of paperwork and I needed to get the paperwork for today sorted.

Kings College didn't seem so big now that I'd seen Columbia.

"Nervous?" Zayn asked and I nodded, a blush colouring my cheeks; even under all my makeup.

"Big crowds of people make me nervous." I admitted as everyone chatted amongst themselves and Zayn nudged me.

"You'll be ace Poppy."

I smiled in thanks at him as I squeezed his arm before I turned my attention to Liam who was already looking at me.

"You came alone?" I asked quietly, hopefully, this wasn't a sore subject.

Today was good for me, I was graduating.

I was happy, even ignoring the gaping hole in my chest that screamed at me every time I thought about the fact all of his friends were here and he wasn't.

I also missed Lindsee but she was going to be here tomorrow and I couldn't wait.

"Yeah, I thought it was best." Liam said and I bit my lip.

"Li," I started in a sigh, "He's your boyfriend you should have brought him if you wanted to."

"It's your day Pops, I'm here for you and considering the two of you aren't," Liam paused to wave his hand and I smiled a bit, "I didn't want to upset you."

"Thank you." I smiled as I hugged his arm before I heard my name being called and I spotted Tom heading over.


I was wrapped up in a hug immediately as my old friend arrived and I laughed as I squeezed him back before I dropped back on the ground and I stumbled a bit in my heels only to be steadied by Niall and I shot him a grateful smile.

"How are you? How was Washington?" I asked excitedly, briefly forgetting the others.

"I'm good! It was so good, a lot of work but it was so educational and I'm so happy I went there. Tell me about New York! Let me see how it's changed you." Tom laughed as I grinned.

"It was good too! Very busy and a lot of work but it was a lot of fun too." I said, Tom got the condensed version considering every single detail had been pried out of me by Eleanor and the rest of them, two days after I got home.

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