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Giovanni had been in the country for exactly four hours and I was already annoyed.

In fact it had started before he was even in the country.

It had started yesterday morning, the third of bloody July whilst I was hungover as hell, still in my dress from the wedding; with Lindsee looking equally as messy as I did alongside me in bed.

It had started with a text message which was just a screenshot of some photos I'd put on my Instagram, I genuinely couldn't believe that a grown adult got so annoyed over social media.

He was thirty for fucks sake!

I mean it probably hadn't helped that when I'd woken up dazed and gagging for water at ten past six all I did was look at the message and say What? before drinking from the tap in my bathroom and then falling back asleep for another five hours.

Eleanor and Louis had a photo booth at the reception which arguably was the best part of their reception, although after I started dancing with Eleanor the drinks kept flowing and I didn't really remember much else.

I mean the strips I had were pretty decent, I mean they had to be otherwise they wouldn't have gone on the internet. There's a nice strip of Lindsee and me, and the two of us with the boys.

And then some clearly drunks ones of us with Amelia and Eleanor and then Niall pushed his way in followed by Zayn and Louis and yeah, they weren't great but I loved them and now I had some tacked to the mirror in my room and some on the bathroom mirror too.

Safe to say it was another disappointed and patronising conversation about me drinking and how I shouldn't put it on the internet.

Giovanni didn't even have Instagram! How did he know?

I shook my head as I tried to calm down, even just thinking about it was working me up and I really wished Lindsee was here but she had gone out before Giovanni even arrived.

I couldn't say I blamed her but I'd also told her to say hi to Niall for me which had turned her bright red and me smug.

If I'd known the two of them would get on so well I would have forced myself to come back home sooner for longer during our school breaks but they knew each other now and I have to say I was pretty good cupid.

"Where are you going?" Giovanni asked as he appeared in the doorway to my room, I had barely remembered to put away the photo frame of Harry and I and the Tiffany box before he arrived.

I bit back a sigh as I glanced at him through the mirror at my vanity as I sat it, doing the last of my make up.

"I have a couple of flat viewings." I said.

"Flat viewings?"

"I'm going to look at apartments to see if I should move into one of them." I rephrased it, and honestly, if he didn't understand that then I didn't know how to explain it any other way.

"Sì amore, I know what that means." Giovanni said and I licked my lips, "I merely meant why? You have a perfectly good house here."

"I have to move out at some point. I can't live at home forever." I muttered as I stood up and found a pair of boots.

It was raining today, so much for a summer in London, which meant I had to at least cover my feet and I'd also planned to dress like I used to for my internship in NY, which meant money.

I wanted to give the best impression to my potential landlords.

"Don't you have to go to work?" I asked Giovanni ask I slipped my phone into my bag before grabbing my leather jacket. I didn't particularly want to leave him here alone, I didn't know if he'd snoop.

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