thirty two.

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I glanced at my phone as it buzzed on the cushion next to me and smiled instinctively as I saw the single letter contact name on the screen.


I blinked as Wendy, my therapist said his name and I felt my face grow red as I nodded.

"Yes." I said, "Sorry."

"You don't need to apologise Poppy, this is your time we've talked about this."

I rolled my lips together as she repeated what she said every time I apologised for something. Turns out I had a problem with apologising simply for existing apparently.

Who knew.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about today? We're getting close to the end." Wendy asked and I glanced across the room to look at the clock on the wall and indeed saw it was five to seven.

"I don't think so." I chewed my lip as I fiddled with my fingers, "I'm nervous about tonight, but I mean that's not new."

"What about tonight is making your nervous?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "Cooking I guess. Eating."

"You mentioned you and Harry cooked together frequently, what's different about tonight?"

"I don't know." I said again, and it was true. "I really don't know. I mean yeah we do cook together but its not really you know? Like I usually do the majority of it and I don't know, it's just Harry and yeah."

"It's just Harry?" Wendy asked making me look at her before I glanced at the clock. "Don't worry about the time, Poppy."

"Yeah, it's Harry." I said stupidly.

"I think he sounds wonderful." Wendy said easily, making me smile. "He obviously loves you, and you obviously love him. I think he has your best interests at heart and I know that sometimes it seems like people like that are being nosy and sometimes they are, but they are trying to help.

"We've talked about this before Poppy but just because someone is trying to help you doesn't mean they're bad. There is nothing wrong with asking for help but there is also nothing wrong with accepting help that is offered."

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me Poppy." Wendy smiled softly as she closed her notebook, I had no idea what she actually wrote in the book but it probably wasn't good considering it was about me.

"That's true, I am paying you." I drawled making Wendy laugh and shake her head and I smiled too before I gathered my stuff and put my phone in bag. "I'll see you in a couple of weeks."

"Looking forward to it." Wendy said, "Remember it doesn't have to be that long if you need more time."

I smiled and bid Wendy a goodnight before I stood in the lift down to the lobby of the building and I spotted Harry's car the minute I pulled the front door open and I smiled to myself as I pulled the passenger door open to be greeted by the sight of my boyfriend smoking.

"You look so hot when you smoke."

"Good evening to you to Flower." Harry drawled before he lent his arm out the window so the cigarette was away from me as he pressed his lips to mine and I clicked my seatbelt on.

"Hi." I said making Harry laugh and shake his head before he turned the car on.

"Hi pretty girl."

"Shut up." I mumbled as my cheeks heated and I busied myself by texting Lindsee whilst Harry laughed at me. "How was work?"


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