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I was usually on time.

In fact, I was usually early, I was a person who had to be somewhere twenty minutes before I needed to be. I was a person who was ready at least half an hour before I needed to leave the house.

My anxiety rarely let me be anything else, and yet here I was running late, running around in my bedroom only in my underwear with just about ten minutes until Harry was here.

I ripped the tag out the back of the red dress with my teeth, dropping the card and plastic to the floor with a mental note to pick it up when I got home before I slipped it on over my head. The red floral print dress fell to my mid thigh and I tugged it down slightly.

Harry had said nothing fancy.

This wasn't fancy per se, I mean the straps on my shoulders were frilly and the lace up front on my cleavage said fun not fancy, right?

I ran a hand through my hair as I packed some more powder onto my nose, peering into the mirror in an attempt to see any flaws. I usually liked the dewy look but this summer was just making me look shiny.

I jumped as the door buzzer rang through the flat and I cursed as I left the brush haphazardly on my bed as I headed towards the front door and quickly just pressed the release button. Harry could just come up.

I swiped some pink lipgloss across and grabbed my pair of black docs when a knock sounded and my stomach dropped.

It was just Harry.

So why was I so nervous?

I pulled my boots on quickly and tied the laces haphazardly as I rushed to grab my phone and bag, double checking that I had my purse as I hurried towards the door and pulled it open somewhat breathlessly.

"I'm sorry that I buzzed you up, I was running late."

The words tumbled out of my mouth as I snapped my bag closed before looking up at Harry who standing in front of me wordlessly, his mouth partially open as he stared at me and I flushed as I looked at him.

"Hi." I said stupidly, watching as Harry blinked and his lips twitched upwards so I was looking at the lopsided smile that I'd loved so much.

"Hi yourself." Harry said as I shifted on my feet, "These are for you."

I blinked as I looked at his outstretched hand, tearing my eyes away from the red and black striped t-shirt that hugged his biceps so very nicely was a challenge.

My eyes found the bouquet and I gasped as I stared at the beautiful flowers, different shades of pink contrasting against the greenery and as I reached out and took them from his hand, thanks to the eyebrow raised at me, I realised the greenery was Eucalyptus.

"These are beautiful." I said as I tore my eyes away from it to Harry to catch his eyes dropping down my body and I bit my lip. "Thank you."

Harry didn't say anything but instead just smiled as I quickly put them in the kitchen, I could find something to put them in later. I smiled as I stepped over the threshold and pulled the door closed behind me, the smell of fresh Lilies and the Roses still lingering.

"You didn't have to get me flowers, you know." I said quietly as we stood in the lift, my hands clasped as I swung them in front of me.

"Isn't that what you do on dates?"

"I wouldn't know." I laughed, flushing as Harry glanced at me and raised an eyebrow making me shrug.

"How come you were running late?" Harry asked as he held the front door open and I shrugged at him quietly, immediately relishing in the blast of hot air that hit my face as he groaned.

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