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The rest of the journey was uneventful . We reached Sharjah at around 10:30 am , and the bus halted at the bus stand. People started getting up from their seats, to get down. I got up and looked back and saw Zesmina coming towards me. I grabbed her hand and together we got down from the bus. I quickly glanced around once but that stranger was nowhere to be seen.
"Who are you looking for", said Zesmina.
"Uh.. no one no one, lets go .. we are already late,", i hurriedly told her and dismissed the thought.
"Lets take a cab!", said Zesmina. "Okay", I nodded. Even though the hospital was close by, taking a cab would be good as we were already late.
We hailed a yellow cab standing at the pavement and got inside it. We gave him directions to the Sharjah general hospital. The ride took us barely 10 minutes and the cab pulled up in front of a red and white building bustling with patients and doctors.
"There is your destination maam , that would be 20 Dhiram!", said the driver.
"400 rupees for a 10 minutes journey!", exclaimed Zesmina and looked at me with bulging eyes.
"Its Dubai!", i told her paying the cab driver with cash. "Now come one , let's go !", i told her opening the door of the cab.
We got down the cab, and made our way together to-the hospital. We entered the hospital and made our way to the reception.
"How may i help you maam!", said an machine like sweet voice coming from a overly dressed receptionist.
"We are here for an interview!,", Zesmina said.
"Ummm.. sorry maam, the interview for new doctors got over about 30 minutes ago!",
"Listen we know we are late!, but please help us maam, we came all the way from Mleiah , please understand!", i requested her.
"Uh, uh!, actually Dr Stephan the senior doctor here , doesn't welcome late comer,", she said checking her registers. "But if you say so , i can arrange a meeting with him for you two.!".
"That would be great!", said I "thank yo so much."
"Your welcome!", she said. "Now please follow me," she continued and came from behind her desk.
We nodded and walked down the corridor following her . We reached the lift and she pressed the 3rd floor button on it. The lift doors opened and we walked out. All the way i couldn't help noticing the variety of patients coming to the OPD's , if only i get a job here it would be amazing.
"There is the door to Dr Stephan's Chamber!", she said pointing to a wood colour door at the end of a hallway with black nameplate inscribed with Dr Stephan's name on it.
"I will accompany you till here only!", she gave another sick smile and turned away.
"Alright come on",  said to  Zesmina who looked doubtful and nervous, "we can do this!",
I grabbed her hand and walked towards the door and knocked on it gently.
"Come in!" said a deep voice from inside. Me and Zesmina opened the door and went inside.

To say i was surprised would be too weak a word, i stood there shell shocked an stunned. The office was massive and very intricately designed with rich taste. There were huge full length windows capturing a good view. There was a mahogany expensive looking desk, behind which a middle aged tall man stood with a strict face and calm demeanour whom i guessed as Dr Stephan. But this was not what surprised, it was the man sitting on this person's right side . He was the same green eyed courteous stranger i had met in bus.
"Excuse me , maam!", "do you have an appointment!", said Dr Stephan.
"I am sorry sir , we don't, we actually came for the interview,", said I.
"Then you are late, the interview ended , please leave!", said Dr Stephan and turned his graze back to his desk.
"Sir we apologise from being late , but we came all the way from Mleiah, please consider us once."
Dr Stephan looked at us once thinkingly, keeping a hand below his chin , he said, "Fine , give me your resume!".
We and Zesmina both handed him our resume to him. He took both our resume and started flipping the pages causally without even actually looking on a single page.
"Very less work experience, lived in India, late to the interview and no post-graduation!, in short this is CRAP!", he said and shut both of our files closes.
"Saw them, now please leave my office now!", he said coldly and handed our files back.
I took my resume silently and closed my eyes , be strong Shahista , don't cry , don't cry!, i continuously told myself while fighting back my tears. I know i wasn't much qualified, but the way he said made me feel so low.. I looked back at Zesmina who looked so sad, that i almost wanted to hug her. But i restrained myself, handed her file, and said I politely , "Thank you sir!, for your valuable time, we will leave now!". With this me and Zesmina walked out of his chamber.
"I want to go back to India!, i said softly.
"What?", said Zesmina.
"I don't care what my brothers think , i want to go back to India, where i had a job and a family"
"This is hell!", i was angry now , very very angry, "i never wanted to come back to Mleiah and live and work with that women who destroyed my home. I will go back, whether someone agrees or not!".
"Shahista!, calm down...," started Zesmina.
"Why should I, you know these people are..". I was cut off in the midway .
"Excuse me!". I turned around to see the same green eyed stranger . "What!?", said I shouting, I was in a very sour mood.
"See, i am here to help you.", he continued.
"Can you offer a job here!", sad I expectantly.
"No!, that i can't do.. but..", he continued.
"Then we don't care i said and turned around when Zesmina caught my arm and pulled me back.
"We are interested in any help you can provide us.", said she and stared at me. I got the look and immediately turned towards him and said, "we are interested."
"Okay , so now listen!", he started . "Without a postgraduate degree you will not get work in any reputed  hospital. There is no chance."
I got disappointed if only papa had called after my PG had been finished in India.
"However," he continued, " if you can complete your PG, your problems will be solved. The PG exam in gonna be held in next 6 months"
"But...", i started.
"Wait! Let me complete!", he said  sternly. I just nodded and let him continue wanting to know what was he coming at.
"Since both of you had qualified your PG in India, i think you can do the same from here, given a little help., ."
I stood there speechless what he said had actually started to make sense.
"Now about your job issue. You see there is no big hospital that is gonna take you in , however there is a small nursing home few kilometres down from here , where i think you will be able to get jobs as a junior doctor."
"But where will we get this guidance for PG. I mean we have qualified it, but we need help, we need to study again.?" , asked Zesmina.
"That is small teaching centre just opposite to the Sharjah nursing home that i was talking about. Do you have a paper and a pen?", asked he.
I nodded and fished my bag for my notebook and a pen which i handed over to him.
He took it and inscribed something on it and handed it to us, "There !, that's the address of the nursing home. Be there tomorrow sharp at 9 , don't be late. Now, i have to go Dr Stephan will be searching for me." With this he turned around and started walking away.
"Wait!," i called out. "How can you be sure that this nursing home will take us in?", said I .
"Because my father owns it.", he said winking at me and left.
I just stood there holding the piece of paper with Zesmina beside me staring at his silhouette. 


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