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"Shahista! Wake up! I would be leaving soon", said a voice awakening me from the deep slumber that i was in. I rolled to the other side of the bed and pulled the blanket to my face, i was so tired.
"Wake up! Dear!", he said again.
Huh! I grumbled, and sat up rubbing my eyes, "I am up bhaiyaan!"
I got hold of my mobile and saw it was 8:00 , damn i must have been really tired because i didn't even realised when my alarm rang.
I pulled aside the blanket and went to the bathroom to freshen up.
After i brushed my teeth, and took a quick shower, i proceeded downwards.
"I saw bhaiyaan fully dressed for his office, making breakfast.
"Asalaamoalikum!", he said when he saw me.
"Waalekumasalaam!", said I smiling at him, "What are you making bhaiyaan?", I continued.
"Oh just! Some sandwiches and pancakes!", said he.
"Wow!", said I, "smells tasty!"
I looked at the table it was set for three people.
I asked bhaiyaan confusingly, "are we expecting guests bhaiya?"
"What no? Why did you ask?", said he.
"Well there are 3 plates on the table?", said I pointing to the table.
"Oh well that!", said bhaiyaan, "the extra one is for Zesmina, she said na she will come tomorrow! So i made pancakes for her also!"
I nodded my head, but i was surprise!
"Anyways! Come let's eat! I am getting late!", said he.
I nodded and we sat on the table. I gulped in those pancakes, they were amazing, Bhaiyaan ate the sandwiches.
After eating the breakfast, bhaiyaan said, "Okay Shahista! allah hafiz! I am leaving!"
I nodded and said "Allah hafiz bhaiyaan!"
He grabbed his car keys and went to the door, just when he was about to open it. It rang and he opened the door, to find Zesmina standing there.
Zesmina smiled shyly at him, with slight pink colour appearing of her cheeks and then he walked out the door.
She entered and saw me, "Hey bestie! What's up!", said she.
"Nothing!", said I blandly, "you tell me!" Said I cautiously.
"Well i have the whole day planned out, we are gonna watch movies and talk and gossip. I want everything in details about you workplace , and..", she paused sniffing the air, "what's that smell?", said she.
"Oh that! Bhaiyaan made pancakes!", said I casually.
"And you don't tell me before! Were is it! I am starving!", said she.
I pointed her to the table and she went and sat down. I slipped in the seat opposite to her.
"Wow! These are really great, your brother is an amazing  cook.", she said licking syrup of her fingers.
I couldn't take it anymore, "What's happening?!", said I.
"What do you mean by what's happening!", said she confused.
"Don't play innocent, What's happening between you and my brother!", said I irritatingly.
Immediately her cheeks turned red, but then she composed herself soon enough.
"Nothing!", she said laughing weakly, "Why would you even ask that question", she said focusing on her plate not looking at me.
I snatched that plate from her hand and almost shouted, " Zesmina Queresh! something is definitely going on between you and my brother. What with the secret glance, and your cheeks turning pink and first name basis, and he cooking for you. I am not blind, if i tell you everything about, me, you also have to do the same, especially if it's concerns my brother!"
I completed, i was really furious. How dare she keep secrets from me !
"Okay fine!", said I and slumped her shoulder, "we went out on a date!", she said softly
"What!", i almost dropped the plate from my hand.
"Calm down! It was not a big deal! I don't think it was even a date, we just went out together!"
I was so shocked that i didn't knew what to reply, i said, "explain!"
She sighed and said, "It happened that day when you went to meet your sister in law and Faruk.", said she.
I looked at her with surprise.
"You see I didn't knew you had plans, about visiting Faruk!", she said.
I nodded my head in agreement, since that plan was impromptu, i did even got the chance to tell her.
"So that day , i came to your house at late afternoon because i thought, you would be disturbed after seeing your father, so i wanted to check on you.", she said.
"When i came and rang the bell Farhaan opened up. He looked at me in surprise, asking me about what i was doing there. So i told him i wanted to be with you, as you might be upset. He then told me that you had gone to visit Faruk. I felt really stupid and embarrassed coming all the way to your house to find you were not there. I hurriedly excused myself and turned to leave.", said she .
"Sorry Zesmina! I didn't tell you about my plan to meet Faruk, ", said I genuinely feeling sorry, she had come all the way to check on me and i had ditched her.
"Oh it's okay! That not important now.", she said and continued, "your see as soon as i turned round your brother called me. He first asked me whether i like coffee. I was surprise I said : yes. I thought he was going to make some coffee for me. But then he said, there is a cafe just down the street . He would like if i accompany him there to drink a cup of coffee.", concluded she her cheeks turning red.
It was so sweet! Seeing her like this made me forget my anger,. I was so happy and excited to hear this, "What did you say?", i asked hurriedly.
"Well!", she started, "my brain ofcourse told me to say no! I barely knew him, it would be not appropriate to go out with my friends's brother. But when i looked at Farhaan , he was standing there smilingly softly at me , so i just couldn't say no, and i nodded my head!"
"Great!", i shouted and grabbed her hands, "did you enjoyed it?"
"It was amazing!", said she softly, "He was such a gentleman! He was a really keen listener, and he also made me laugh. He never made me feel awkward ever with any small talk. His honesty made me feel comfortable. 
I hugged her tightly after hearing this, "oh! I am so happy for you!", said I.
"Shahista! It was not even a date, and i don't even know whether he likes me or not!", said she.
I broke the hug and looked at my bestfriend, she was so sweet and bubbly, and yet innocent at the same time, she would be perfect for my brother.
"I know my brother Zesmina! He never talks to anyone, let alone any of my friends!
I have always seen him quiet, except when he is working. Wherever he goes to those stupid business parties , a lot of girl come and flirt with him. But they aren't even able to start a conversation because with he simply doesn't care. So if he stepped forward to ask you to have coffee with him, and he remembers making pancakes for you, than he is definitely into you.", said I assuringly.
Zesmina looked at me with wide eyes, "you think so?", she said softly.
I nodded and said , "ofcourse i do! Unlike his professional life, where he is radiating confidence, he is very shy in matters like this. Just give him time. He will open up!."
She smiled sweetly, " Thanks ! now! Enough about me, tell me about yourself. So you are meeting Faruk, this weekend?", said she.
"Yes! That's what we have decided. Either i am going to Sharjah or he will come to Mleiah!", said I
Zesmina said, "It's better if he comes, you going all the way to Sharjah alone doesn't sound good, however its upto you two to decide."
"Hmm.. i have also decided i would tell him to come. Bhaiyaan would never approve me going to Sharjah!",
"Why?", asked Zesmina.
I looked at her unsure of what to say, "i don't know it's just that from the last few months i have got this feeling that bhaiyaan doesn't approve me meeting with Faruk so much." Then i went about telling her how he reacted when i met Faruk the last time, she listened patiently.
"But that's weird, you too are just friends and moreover, your brother knows Faruk, they have been friends since college."
"Yes exactly! That's what makes it more weird!, Maybe, he is just being protective as a brother,", said I shrugging my shoulder.
"Maybe!", said Zesmina.
However i was unsure.
We talked for some more time, about her work and all, and the hours flew by.
"Shahista! It's getting late i should go!", said she looking at her watch.
I nodded and said, "Thanks for coming yaar, i needed the change."
"Don't be silly, we can meet up anytime you want!", said she getting up.
I also got up said Allah hafiz to her and then she left.

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