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Months have passed since the time when bhaiyaan made me dinner. My life went along just fine, waking up early , taking the bus with my bestfriend, going to hospital , working there and back.
Even though i still miss my friends in India, i have to admit i have made an amazing group of friends over here too, there is the quirky sweet Maryam, the irritating flirt Abdul and then there is Rehman whom i still think is a bit arrogant, but otherwise he is fine
Last but not the least there is this person whom i own my job to, Faruk, i sighed as the name slipped my tongue. I loved being around him, he is so sweet and considerate yet smart at the same time, and now i feel we have become more close over past months  as we talk for hours on phone and text each other almost daily and of course i spend time with him everyday.

"Shahista!, you are gonna be late!", bhaiyaan said banging the bathroom door.
I was pulled out of my thoughts suddenly and i said, "Coming bhaiyaan!". Then i hurried and completed my bathing and put on some new clean clothes.
After dressing up, i went downstairs and saw bhaiyaan had prepared breakfast for me.
"Come eat!", he said gesturing at the seat across him on the dining table.
I just nodded and sat down, i picked up my toast and nibbled on the edge of bread as i was not at al hungry.
Bhaiyaan saw me playing with my food and said," you nervous?"
I looked at him and said, " Ya a . Little!".
"Don't be!", he said, "you are gonna rock it."
I smiled at him. Suddenly the doorbell rang and bhaiyaan went to open it. I put down my fork, and sat there thinking to myself, was i nervous? Ofcourse! , but i wasn't nervous much about the exam, i have given it before, and that to with a more difficult syllabus.
No, i was nervous about something else, i had this tugging feeling in my stomach that said something drastic is gonna change very soon, and the change will start from this exam.
"Asalaaamoalikum bhai!, What are you doing here?", i heard bhaiyaan voice.
"Waalekumasalaam farhaan", said a voice, when i looked i saw Yazdaan bhaiya at the doorstep. Great!, i thought to myself, just what i needed when i was so nervous.
Anyways he smiled at me, and so i smiled back.
Then he looked at bhaiyaan and said, "remember that American clients for our Dubai based companies? They are coming today to Mleiah,  and i want you to be there .!"
I dropped my fork and looked at bhaiyaan, " please say no, say no, i need you today!, i said to myself, i really wanted him to be with me today.
"Uh.. actually i wont be able to come today!", said bhaiyaan in an apologetic tone. Relief filled my ears as i again picked up the fork to eat.
"Why?", said Yazdaan bhaiya.
I tore my eyes from the plate and looked at bhaiyaan, wondering what excuse would he come up with.
But he said the truth, "choti here ! Has her exam today and i want to be with her."
Realisation dawned on Yazdaan bhaiya face and he said "oh!" Then turned to be and said, "all the best choti, i know you will do well!!"
I just smiled at him nodding my head, what was i supposed to do i was to shocked. Hearing him address me as choti years later, and saying something good to me instead of rebuking was too much of a surprise.
He just smiled back and said,"I would leave now!". He then turned and left.
Suddenly i realised something, "you purposely did that didn't you!", i said to bhaiyaan pointing my fork at him in accusation.
"What!", he said pretending to be innocent, "calling you choti? Well that was just a slip of tongue!", he said casually but i could see a faint smile forming on his lips.
I finished the rest of the breakfast and then me and bhaiyaan proceeded outside and he locked the door behind is
"Now remember!", he said as he climbed in his Mercedes, "the examination centre is in the outskirts, it's a bit far! I will come to pick up up! DONOT leave the centre or use public transport, the streets will be very deserted . Okay? The place will be new to you!", said bhaiyaan.
I just nodded and climbed in the car next to him.
We drove in silence and after an hour long journey, we reached the exam hall. The number of students sitting for this exam was very less as compared to India. Most of my friends had gotten exam halls were they at-least knew one person. But as luck would have it, i knew nobody with whom i shared this centre.
Anyways we reached it and got down to see, people are already moving inside it. Bhaiyaan turned towards me and said, "you know you can do it right! You are a fighter! Remember that sweetheart!" he said and hugged me. I hugged him back tightly.
I then proceed inside the exam hall and took my seat. Not much later papers were distributed and the exam started. I shuffled through my paper solving most of the questions. The exam was easy and frankly speaking my mind was preoccupied most of the time. I kept remembering what bhaiyaan had said to me today, "you are a fighter!", it added to my nagging feeling that something drastic was gonna change in near future.
Anyways i drove those thoughts from my mind as i had an exam on which i had to divert all my attention on. Hours passed by and the exam ended, i was mostly satisfied by my paper. The examiner came to collect and i handed her the same, shuffling outside the exam room with ask the other examinees.
Once outside i saw that it was late afternoon, and bhaiyaan was nowhere to be seen, probably had gone to his work. As he had instructed me, i took out my cellphone and called him, but he didn't pick up. I decided to do that again, he still didn't. I thought i will try some time later, so o just sat there on a bench nearby waiting.
45 minutes passed since my exam got over, bhaiyaan still hasn't picked up the phone, now i was getting a little worried. Since the day was getting darker, and this place was very new to me, all the students had left so it was also deserted now.
I again checked my phone hoping for a call or message from bhaiyaan. "None!", i sighed. I was getting really restless, so i decided to call the one person whom i trusted after my brother ,Faruk.
He picked up my phone in two rings, i smiled to myself thinking about how he never misses my phone
"hey! I just thought i would call you? How was the exam!", he said. Hearing his voice, calmed me down a lot.
"The exam was good , but actually i have a bit off a problem  over here.."
"What?", he said with concern filling his voice.
I explained my situation to him, the first thing he said after that was, "and you have been waiting there for nearly an hour you should have called sooner!"  "Send me you location! I am coming there as soon as possible!", he continued.
I was so relieved to hear this that i don't even argue with him. Just as i kept my phone down after messaging him,
Bhaiyaan called, "I AM SO SORRY SO SO SO SORRY! I AM COMING JUST LEFT Mleiah , I WILL REACH IN 30 To 40 MINUTES! Where are you? Are you alright??"
Hearing his voice made me forget my anger towards him and i said, "i am okay Bhaiyaan , I am still at the exam centre!"
"Thank god!", he said with relief in his voice, "well you be able to wait there for another 30 minutes!".
"Yes bhaiyaan, i will!", said i , i was hesitant about whether to tell him about Faruk or not, but then i decided to tell him only, "Faruk is coming in 10 minutes,", said i, to discard confusion i added , "i called him!"
Bhaiyaan just mumbled, "hmm..", And then cut his phone.
I put my phone down and looked around., the streets were really deserted, and the sun was about to set down, i prayed Faruk would come soon.
Suddenly i spotted a group of people, standing a bit far off, pointing at me and laughing.
I noticed they were mostly young, out of which 4 were boys and 2 girls. They started walking towards me and panic started filling in me, Why were the coming towards me? What did they want?
As the approached more near, i was overwhelmed with fear, my throat dried and my body started shaking a bit. "Stay calm!", i told myself.
When they got near enough, i took a look on there dresses, it definitely don't looked good, or looked really ragged, whatever ragged is in UAE.
One of the boys who wore torn jeans and a t-shirt, looked at me up and down and said, "hello Ms! Your are sitting here for a long time? Waiting for someone, did someone ditch you?", he said with a crooked smile. My inside cringed up hearing his laughter.
"Oh come-on don't disturb the pretty lady!", said another boy and then he slumped down on the bench near me, "so pretty, you are beautiful!", he said looking at me. I distanced myself from him, as he came near , i smelled alcohol from him.
"Oh tell us! We will will help you!", this time the girl said, she came and sat, on other side of my bench. She also reeked of alcohol.
I was starting to really panic up, all of them had surrounded me, if i decided now to get up i don't think so they would let me leave. My brain stopped processing and i did the only thing i could think of.
I closed my eyes and silently prayed to God to give me strength, and to help me overcome the situation.I opened them and saw they were coming closer , the more they came closer, the more i freaked out. Dread and terror was filling me up, all of a sudden then i heard a car's horn. I closed my eyes again and hoped that it was bhaiyaan or Faruk.
But when i opened my eyes  and looked at the car that was coming i saw it was not my bhaiya's car or Faruk's car it was someone else's Porsche.   
"Not your car!", smirked one of the boys ," What luck!", "But Hey don't worry i can help you!", he said and raised his hands crouching forward's to touch me. I braced myself for the impact closed my eyes and turned my face the other way ,and waited in terror but nothing happened .
I opened my eyes to see why did he stop, I looked at him carefully and saw he was very scared,  as if he had seen a ghost, and he was looking at something behind me. I turned to the others and their faces had also turned white with fear with and were staring at something behind me.
Finally then i turned around, and saw what had happened. The BMW that was coming this way had actually stopped, just behind me. The owner of the car had lowered his windows and apparently said something or gestured something that had led to this reaction.
Though right now the car had started again and the owner was pulling the windows up. When i craned my neck to see who was driving, i only caught sight of a hand that was wearing a very expensive watch.
I sat there confused, what had the person in the car done? That scared these people so much, because his impact was amazing. All the 6 people hurriedly got up and left me alone.
I sat there thinking about what just happened.
Just as they left, i saw a bus slowing down next to the pavement and getting down from it was Faruk. I heaved a sigh of relief, i was so happy to se him.
"You Okay?", said he with concern filled voice, "i an so sorry! I couldn't get here earlier, my car broke down!", he said apologising.
"It's okay! Faruk!", i reassured him. "I am fine!", said I.
He looked at me and nodded his head, "Thank God!"., he said
"So how was your exam!", said I.
He smiled at me and said, "it was good!", "and you know i was thinking about you the whole time during the exam.", he continued.
I was shocked by his words, "me..? Me..!! What do your mean by it?", said I.
"Uh.. uh.. don't get me wrong!", said he waving his hands infront of me, "i was thinking about you means i know how amazing you would have performed in such a paper!", he said.
I laughed at him , momentarily forgetting everything that had just happened . It felt so good to be back with him again.
We discussed a bit more about the question paper, when bhaiyaan's Mercedes pulled in. He stopped the car and got off hurriedly. He rushed towards me, hugged me first and then kissed me on the forehead, "Thank God!", he said his voice dripping with relief , "that you are safe! I was so worried about you!", he continued but then stopped as he noticed Faruk standing nearby.
"Thanks for being with her!", says he.
"No problem, don't worry!" , said Faruk.
Bhaiyaan looked at me and smiled , "Come let's go home!", he said softly. I just nodded, i was so tired i really wanted to go home and take rest.
After bidding Faruk goodbye, bhaiyaan led me towards the car, i climbed in and then he climbed in beside me behind the wheel.
"So!", he says as he started the car, "how was the exam?"
"It was good!", said i as i looked outside the window.
We drove in silence for sometime and then he said, "i know you are very angry with me. And i know it is justified. But at-least talk to me please ?"
I tore my eyes from the window and heaved a sigh, "I am not angry on you!", said I softly. It was partly true, i was so tired from the day's event that i just wanted to go home , most of the  anger had dissipated after seeing bhaiyaan, though i was a bit angry.
He looked at me doubtfully as if he didn't believe me but said nothing.
Thankfully the rest of the journey we drove in silence.
We reached our home in about one hour, and bhaiyaan pulled in front of the house and parked the car.
I got off the car slowly, i was so tired that my eyelids were drooping.
We entered the house and i went straight to my room to change.
I took a shower even though i had taken one in the morning, but i wanted the person alcoholic smell of me. I stripped and sat in the bathtub, scrubbing myself strongly. As i cleaned myself, i recalled the days event. How filthy the man was, how bad he smelled , how close he had come to touch me . The thought of his fingers on my face repulsed me to no extent and i shrouded to myself.
"Shahista are you alright? You have been there for a long time!", bhaiyaan knocked at my door.
I was dragged out of my thoughts and i realised i had spent a long time in here thinking of the events, bhaiyaan must have started to assume something was wrong.
"Coming bhaiyaan!"  Said i from inside. And hurriedly got off the bathtub wrapped myself with a towel. I then changed into the new clothes i had brought and came out.
I draped a towel around my wet hair and proceeded downstairs.
I climbed down and saw bhaiyaan was setting up the table, with my favourite foods. I smiled to myself. I had forgotten how hungry i was.
Bhaiyaan noticed me and said, "Come let's eat! You must be very hungry!"
I nodded and went to sit in the table in front off him. "This looks so tasty!", said I and dived into food ravishing everything. When i had eaten a lot and and my stomach started getting filled up, i noticed that bhaiyaan plate was near empty, which was weird as my brother had a very good appetite.
I looked at him to see him smiling at me, "Bhaiyaan i said? Why aren't you eating?",i said
"I am not hungry!", he said to me. I looked at him in surprise, "Don't your worry!", he said seeing me face, "i feel a lot content seeing you eat !", he says smilingly.
My heart filled with warm, this was my brother, how could i even be angry on him ever. As this thought crossed me mind, tears filled my eyes thinking about today. Bhaiyaan looked at me in surprise and said, "what happened Shahista! Why are you crying!", he said coming and sitting next to me.
I then poured out everything to him, from the part where i has to sit alone, to the part where those strangers had started teasing me to where one of them had almost touched me.
Though i left the part about the BMW owner, i didn't feel like sharing it. After i had says everything i felt bhaiyaan arm around me . He gently stroke my hair and said , "shush!!! Everything is alright!", he wished in my ear. "You are here with me  now ! Nobody would be able to do anything to you! You are safe sweetheart!", he said calming me down
. I just nodded and hugged him back tightly. After a long time, my tears started drying up and i stared feeling a bit better. I looked up to see bhaiyaan face , i saw it was ragging with anger, he noticed me looking at him and said, "you just wait! I am gonna hunt every single one of them down ! And tear them apart for treating my sister in this way!", he said.
"Bhaiyaan it's okay?" , said I.
"Not is not!", he said firmly, "if i hadn't been in that stupid meeting, i would not have been late and nothing of this sort would have happened." I haven't seen bhaiyaan lose control like this besides, "Those stupid clients ! They were clients of Zaroon industries, so i couldn't escape, otherwise i would have made an excuse.", he said and closed his eyes as if trying to calm himself down.

"ZAROON... Zaroon..", the word started ringing in my head. Suddenly i realised something , it all made perfect sense. Zaroon!!! SARFARAZ ZAROON!! I recalled him from the party that i had attended months earlier. Ofcourse! Ofcourse! Said i to myself. It had to be him.!

I couldn't tell how i knew this, but now i was dead sure, the man in the Porsche was SARFARAZ ZAROON!! It had to be him. That car! I had recognised it during the party! That WATCH! I had noticed them earlier during the business party. They were other Porsche's and watches, but my heart knew what i saw today belonged to him.
I was so shocked but what was he doing there? He just happened to be there? Or was he following me?
"What happened Shahista! You look shocked?" , bhaiyaan must have noticed my face.
"No.. no.. nothing!". Said i composing myself, "it's just i am really tired about today!"
He nodded and kissed my forehead, "i understand! Go get some sleep!
I nodded at him, and rushed to my run upstairs to do some thinking. Is it possible? That Sarfaraz Zaroon was following me? But why he is a multimillionaire! And he doesn't even know me! He probably met hundred of people that day, he won't even remember my name. But i was so sure it was him today, my gut told me it was definitely him.
I stumped on the bed with a splitting headache, " God! What problems have arisen!"
I grunted and tossed to pick up my mobile which was on the nightstand, i saw missed calls from khala, shabana , Zesmina and messaged from Maryam and Abdul asking about the exam.
I called back khala because i knew she would be waiting for my call and told her the exam went well. I didn't tell her about strangers as i knew she would scare herself to death thinking about it.
Then i texted Zesmina to meet me tomorrow as i had tons of stuff to discuss with her. I replied too all the messages saying i will talk to them later . I was so tired that i didn't wanted to talk to anyone now . Finally when everything was done , i sighed to myself , switched iff the night lamp and went back to sleep thinking how long today was!

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