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"SHAHISTA GET UP!", said a voice. I opened my eyes and looked that it was bhaiyaan was next to my bed side, waking me up.
"Wake up! Wake up! Its really late, i allowed you to sleep because i thought you were tired. But  i will have to leave for work soon, so you need to get up!", said he giving me a shake to awaken me.
I yawned and then nodded at him, " i will be up right in few minutes brother!
I forced my eyes opened somehow and got up from the bed. I straightaway went to the bathroom, where i cleaned my face and washed my mouth. I decided to take a bath as it was already..
After scrubbing myself clean so i look presentable,. I opened my cupboard and decided to throw in something casual for today and settled on a comfortable pair of jeans with a long top. As i was drying my hair with the towel, i went near my bedside to pick up my phone.
I turned it on, and there was the usual flow of notifications in it. I saw two messages from khala, asking if everything was okay, also one from khalu asking how was , i made a mental note to myself that i will call them tonight. Few messages from Shabana and my other cousins, and i also saw there was a message from Maryam
                                   "SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU TODAY BABY!!"
                                    Ps:- please don't tell your brothers we are coming,                                                                                .                                   don't wanna face the embarrassment again
I smiled at her message , she was a lovely person always so cheerful.

Anyways there was another message from a number, i opened it and saw, it was from Rehman, it said "Hey I am sorry if you think i was being rude to you! It's just that i am not comfortable with new people, Ps:- i i don't think i would be able to come today, but Maryam, Abdul, and faruk will be there. Have fun:-)"

I didn't knew what to reply, this was really awkward. However he had asked for forgiveness, so i had to reply. I told him that " it's okay if their has been a misunderstanding, i don't mind and you don't have to ask for forgiveness".
I had just sent this message when the bell rang,!
"Shahista i am busy, see who is at the door!, i heard bhaiyaan voice shouting from his study downstairs.
"Okay bhaiyaan!", shouted I and went to open the door. I got downstairs and was walking towards the door when it rang again.
"Coming !", said I and ran hurriedly towards the door and pulled it open.
There outside my house stood 3 bubbly people all tugged and dress-up for picnic. My jaw drop open , and all i managed to say was "woah.. whoa..!"
"What you thought! If you don't help us we will not be able to find your place", said a Abdul sarcastically.
"Yes girl!, and why ain't you dressed up, we are going to have so damn fun!", shouted a chirping Maryam clapping her hands together."
"And did you thought i wouldn't know if you didn't tell me!", said Zesmina from the back.
"Whoah! Calm down everyone!", said I waving my hands in-front of them, "i.. you..", i stammered being lost at words. "Where is Faruk?", i blurted out because that was the first thing that came to my mind.
"What is this young lady? Does only Faruk matters? Aren't you gonna call us in", said Abdul shaking his head, and folding his hands.
"No! No!", i said quickly, "come in Come in!", says I hurriedly.
"Thank you!", said Maryam doing a dramatic courtesy bow. I rolled me eyes at them, and then moved away from the door so that they could enter.
Abdul entered first followed by Maryam, and then Zesmina.
"Shhhh! Your Faruk is parking the car!", Zesmina whispered to me winking as she passed next to me ans went inside.
I was mad at this girl enough and now she does things like this.
"Woah! Woah! Girl!", cried Maryam twirling around in the living room.
"This is a freaking place, your house is so damn beautiful!!", she shouted looking around.
"Just how rich are you? Millionaire or billionaire?", said Abdul who sat on the sofa with his jaw dropped.
I laughed at them and said, "Thanks for the compliment about my house guys, now make yourself comfortable!"
"It really is beautiful!", said a voice from behind me, I turned around and saw it was Faruk leaning casually against the door. Damn! He looked so handsome! He was dressed in casuals unlike the formal attire he wears everyday at work. With his jeans, informally t shirt and a casual jacket, he looked so cute that i didn't realise i was staring at him. I was broken by my trance when someone coughed from behind, " Ahem! Ahem! dude no tea or water for the guests!", said Abdul acting's as if he was hurt.
I laughed at them and went towards the open kitchen to prepare some tea for them.
"So guys!, how do you think we should proceed?", said Abdul.
"Oh don't you worry about that, I have a huge list of places that we can visit. But naturally, i have googled them as i have never been to Mleiah. Its such a cute place, i don't know why? I have never been here. Anyways where was I? Yes, about our trip. Okay so since..", Maryam went on and on ranting about everything sitting on the sofas.
I completed making my tea while listening to her ranting, and was pouring it in cups, when Maryam looked at me and said, "Shahista are you even listening to what I am saying?".
I was drawn out from my imagination, as i looked at her huffy face, asking the question. I to be honest had forgotten what  she was speaking about, I  glanced at Abdul next to her asking for help.
He nodded and then turned to Maryam and said, "By how to proceed i wanted to say? How will we visit different places? There is Faruk's car, but how will we all fit into it? I mean we are too many people!"

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