31 |My son's angel

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Make every day special starting with today..!

It's already 6

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It's already 6.30 which means Zayden is awake and he is acting as if he is in deep sleep.

"Good Morning." I mumble peering at his closed eyes.

"Morning," He replied with his hoarse bedroom voice while still keeping his eyes shut.

"Your acting skills are fabulous." I state sitting up and rubbing my palms over my eyes.

"Mmm I'm good at everything." He replied burying his face deeper into the pillow.


At Home »

"Morning," I greeted mom as she stood at the door waiting for us.

"Welcome home darling." She pulled me in her embrace. "Get freshen up, I have prepared your favourite dishes."

Giving her a smile I nodded.

"Mom did you by any chance forget that you have a son?" Zayden's voice came from behind her. He looked utterly shocked for being ignored by us.

"C'mere my baby," she teased Zayden opening her arms for him.
"Whatever mom, thanks for such warm welcome..."


"It's so delicious." I said after taking a bite of lasagna.

"Have more, you have become so thin. Does Zayden trouble you?" Mom questioned. I shook my head in negative whilst munching on the food.

"Seriously mom?" Zayden shook his head looking at her in disbelief.
Mom loves to tease Zayden every now and then. The bored and bothered look he gives her, she somehow enjoys it.

We talked about lot of things just like a normal family. After a long long time I felt like I was in a place where even I mattered. Dad also said he will taking me with him to the company someday in this week.

After having lunch, we went back to our rooms to rest. I was arranging the clothes when mom walked in with two glasses of juice.

"Where is Zayden?" Mom asked when she couldn't find Zayden in the room. She passed me a glass of fresh mango juice.

"He is taking shower." I stated inhaling fresh aroma of the juice and taking a sip.

She was telling me about the particular club that she joined last week when suddenly Zayden voice came from the bathroom.


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