family trip l

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Diamond is piece of coal which shines due to pressure..!

Zayden's face turned red while he kept rubbing the back of his neck

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Zayden's face turned red while he kept rubbing the back of his neck.
This was the first time Zayden's usual 'I don't give a damn look' was inconspicuous. He looked embarrassed and a bit shy if I may add.

I wanted to laugh at him but I controlled myself and ran towards the room to retrieve my purse. I was about to walk past the dinning area when a hand wound around my wrist making me halt. I turned around only to come face to face with Zayden.

Oh! No.

"Don't be so happy thinking you'll escape from answering my questions. Remember at the end of day, you are coming back to me." He uttered leaving my wrist and leaning against the nearby wall.

"Yeah? What questions?" My lips curled up into a smile.

Crossing both the hands in front of his chest, he rambled his eyes all over my face. "Getting bold now, aren't we? Let's see for how long you'll be able to keep that smile once I get hold of you in our room." He added making my face flush.

So now we talk about rooms too?

My heart thumped with a different feeling while my cheeks wouldn't go back to their normal pale color.


When I walked inside the office alongside Dad, everyone greeted him with a light bow and Dad responded everyone with a smile. Zayden is so much different than Dad in matters like this. He doesn't have any close friends other than Alex and Dad seem to gel with everyone; even with his employees.

I was gazing at every corner of the Office whilst walking, when dad came to halt in front of conference room.
One person hurriedly opened the opaque conference door from inside and rushed out, almost bumping himself into dad.

"I see you are still in hurry Calvin." Dad questioned.
Calvin adjusted his spectacles and cleared his throat. "I was about to grab you a strong coffee, Mr.Harley." he answered. Judging by his quick response and posture I could guess he was Dad's secretary.

"No need Calvin, you can go inside." Dad waved him off and turned towards me. "Your Uncle is inside."

"Oh! I will wait here till you are done with meeting then." I suggested.

"No, you can come along with me." He stated and before I could protest, he opened the door for me.

Giving him a slight smile I stepped inside. Sensing the door open all the eyes snapped in my direction making me nervous, it was nerve wrecking feeling. I caught a glimpse of my Uncle's eyes, who looked surprised and happy while a few stared at me in confusion and a few in surprise.

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