That felt good

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Harriet pov :

Iam not letting her to play with my emotions anymore.
I went out with alex.
After having coffee, Alex and zayden were playing chess.
Me and jannet were as usual jobless, so we sat looking at them.
we all sat in the form of square.
Zayden was tapping his chin with his finger, he was thinking deeply. He looked so yummm...! I know this is cheesy but still he looked so beautiful.. after playing his move he looked in my direction and winked.
My face flushed instantly and someone's face was burning like fire.
Zayden moved his hand in my direction, huh..? what is he doing, I opened my eyes wide. He moved my hair away from my face, tucking few strands behind my ear.

"wanna play.? " he asked
"uh.. no, you guys continue. " I replied

we both were staring at each other without caring about our surrounding.

Alex cleared his throat "dude concentrate on game now and one more thing the won who wins gets a chance to take Harriet on date.. " Alex said
what  ?

why include me in all this.?
"she isn't coming anywhere with you, have some shame she is your sister in law" zayden said giving alex glare.

All this while people forgot that even jannet was sitting here with us.
Mom called me so I went out to speak with her.
When I came back, the game was over, everyone was watching movie.
I sat in between alex and zayden, jannet was sitting next to zayden 

"so cutie seems like this trip was in your favour..? " alex whispered near my ear
"might be. " I said giggling

"Till where has your story reached, did you guys kiss " alex asked

"what  ?! " I was bit loud
"why are you torturing her " zayden said wrapping his hand around my shoulder.

"oh now here comes the romeo, I wasn't torturing her, I was asking her if you guys kissed " alex asked plainly.

zayden started coughing and at the same time alex started laughing.
"tell me how did you feel " alex asked looking at me.
"your best friend is zayden right, he will answer, iam watching movie " I said and titled my head little towards zayden.

From the side of my eyes I was watching alex expression, he was teasing zayden.
I don't know when i slept.i slowly opened my eyes , there was no sound of tv, I could hear only birds chirping and I could smell honey and lemon scent, I also felt a warm hand around me. without fully opening my eyes I moved my hand, I was touching something hard , I was feeling muscles.

"are you awake.?! " it was zayden voice.
I opened my eyes to look at him, one of his hand was around me and with another hand he was holding a book and reading.

"hm.. when did I sleep. how did I come here. " I asked
"you slept while watching movie and I got to here  " he asked closing his book.
" From tomorrow we will have clg. So you are going to be jannet's boyfriend again. " I asked twisting his shirt button
"she was never my girlfriend. " he replied
"today she told me to stay away from you. "

"what.?! "

"hmm.. "
"what did you tell ?! " he asked holding me in his embrace
" I said her to stay away from you. "

"wow.. my little angel said that. " he asked giving me smile and touching my nose tip with his knuckles.

Again my little angel made my heart flutter.

"Don't worry about jannet, I will speak to her tomorrow " he said again smiling.

damn his smile can take any girl's heart away.

"you get a dimple " I said touching his cheek.

I notice his physical features a little more, being this close to zayden fills my stomach with butterflies. i felt like iam toddler in a toy shop. I was mesmerized by how drop dead gorgeous he was for a guy.
When zayden looked into my eyes, a wide grin was on his face along with that dimple which can kill anyone. Aww he looks so cute and innocent.

"why are you smiling.?! " I ask, my voice is more like whisper.
"you look so adorable right now exploring my face like this, I have never seen you so focused, you seem to look at my features as if it's module and you are memorizing it. "

I look down feeling embarassed, I try to remove my hand away from his face when he held my wrist. "don't.. " I look up to meet his electrifying eyes again " that felt good.. " he said.

Right now iam on seventh heaven...!!!!


College hasn't changed a bit, but a lot of things have changed between me and zayden.
He dropped me at the back gate. I made a quick trip inside the shop looking at all fish.
When I entered classroom jannet was sitting in second row and her face was pale, I know something has happened to her.
I went and sat as usual in first bench, after some time alex and zayden came inside, alex smiled at me but zayden just looked at me with straight face.
ugh..! it's waste to think he will change..!

zay - hey lovely..!
My eyeball were almost popping out of my socket when I saw his message.

me - what..?

zay - you are looking so cute.!

me - what.?

zay - what is your plan tonight.?

what..? something is wrong with this fellow.
I didn't reply anything nor did I look back.
First period ended, when I was packing my bag someone came and sat next to me.
It was alex.

"cutie, why is your face so red..?! " he asked
Entire period I was thinking about zayden text, I guess thats the reason iam unable to control my blush.

"uh.nothing..! " I replied

"something is wrong, you are blushing, did zayden tell you something. " he asked, I opened my eyes wide, how did he know.?

"oh so it is him. " alex said giving me a playful smile
"if you are done flirting with her let's go, we have practice. " zayden said
I look at him, is he the same person who texted me few minutes before.
"iam coming, dude look at cutie she is blushing. " alex said standing

zayden looked at me once more and raised an eyebrow which was like asking why-are-you-blushing.?
I just shook my head saying nothing.
All three of us came out of classroom, those two went to court and I came to library to read book.
When I was searching for novel, I felt someone's presence behind me, I turned around to see zayden standing very close to me, in shock I lost my balance and was about to fall when he held me.
"what are you doing here.?! " I asked standing straight.

"just came to see you. " so sweet
"oh is it, then help me in searching a good novel. " I said turning around.

He held my elbow and turned me around to face him, he placed both of his hand on bookshelf caging me in between his strong hands. He moved one step closer to me like into my personal space, I became stiff and frozen in that spot. One of his hand circled around my waist pulling me closer, my breathe hitched the moment he pulled me to him. His thumb began caressing my shoulder in slow circles, tightening his grip on my waist. i could feel my heart crawling till my throat as if it's gonna burst out of my mouth now. I look at his electrifying eyes, his eyes hooded, lump formed in my throat when I saw his eyes. My mouth felt dry.

"girl...! I said I came here to see you. " his voice was hoarse
wtf.. how could the word girl sound so sexy, just one word girl from his mouth made me go weak on my knees.
he leaned closer to me.
"zayden we are in library " I whispered
he just gave me a smile in response and placed his lips on mine, pecking me multiple times and placing soft kisses on my cheeks. Finally placing his forehead on mine.
"do you have class after lunch.?! " he asked
"um.. no. "
" we will leave early then. " saying this he smiled at me one last time before walking out of the library.
Oh god did we just kiss in library..!


Today I didn't even read 10 pages of novel. My thoughts were preoccupied by zayden.
When I came out of library I saw zayden walking with jannet, He was telling her something and by the expressions that jannet had on her face, iam sure she isn't happy with whatever he is saying to her.


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