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Harriet :

I and azra walked towards their table, zayden gave me a beautiful smile when his eyes landed on mine.
He is so cute...

"Hye cutie, how come your friend is here in this college " Alex asked

"Umm.. She has joined this college, so now she will be here with me " I gushed holding azra arm.

"I know you are happy, come here sit down " Zayden said standing up and asking me to sit on his chair.

"Romeo never leaves a chance, right? " Alex teased zayden.

"When you get married to someone like angel you will get to know.Anyways I don't think you will know the feeling " Zayden said chuckling.

"And why is that? " Alex questioned raising an eyebrow.

"You won't get someone like my angel " Zayden teased Alex.

"Rose is too much like me, Alex " I blurted, without thinking for a second.
Azra and zayden were looking at me with wide eyes, Alex chocked while drinking water.
"Rose and I, I love my life, she will kill if at all she gets any chance " Alex said in one breath.
"Yeah they both aren't a match " Azra added laughing.
I just can't believe azra likes Alex so much that she can't even stand it when I pair Alex with rose.
God save my best friend and my brothers.

After our class, we were walking towards parking lot when Lamborghini car stopped in front of us.
Seriously? I and azra shared a look.
The car door opened and both our jaws opened wide.
Only she was missing now.
From the car excited the one and only jasmine brown.

She looked past us with wide smile on her face.
Please let it not be zayden I prayed and turned around to see it was zayden and Alex.

She quickly walked past me and hugged my freaking husband. Not to forget she was giving zayden a bone crushing hug.
"Cool down Harriet " Azra said rubbing my back.
"Why do I always have to save my husband with girls whose names start with J " I asked azra with my eyes still on jasmine who is still holding my husband.
After zayden , she even hugged Alex and now I looked at azra, I can virtually feel the smoke coming out of her ear due to anger.
I knew this was coming, Alex likes jasmine..!

Zayden looked in my direction and smiled but I did what I should do.
I rolled my eyes making annoying face and believe me his face expression was remarkable.

"What's wrong sister.?!" William asked standing beside me. I pointed my index finger in the direction where they were standing.

William chuckled "Don't worry sister, this time if he messes with you. I will break his bones "

"I won't stop you " I replied laughing.

All three of them walked in our direction and Miss.Jasmine was holding my husband arm.
Girl leave him before I kill you.

"So guys this is Jasmine " Zayden introduced her. She smiled at all of us.
"This is William - my classmate, this is azra - she is new here just like you . And finally this is Harriet " He stopped his sentence looking at me.
I was patiently waiting for him to complete his sentence.
Will he tell I am his wife ? Or will he tell I am his classmate ?
He held my wrist and pulled me closer to him "My girlfriend " He completed.

I think I am floating. He said I am his girlfriend not classmate. If this is dream... Please don't wake me up from this dream...

I kept staring at his beautiful blue eyes. His eyes filled with love - love which is only for me. The way he looks into my eyes is blissful. I am lucky that this look is reserved only for me.

"Man.. You can kiss her if you want to " Alex started laughing.

"I don't need your permission dude " Zayden replied kissing my forehead.

Aww is this real..? He kissed me in front of so many people. My heart was thumping and my cheek heated up.

"Look at her, she can't stop blushing" Azra added.

Everyone around us were happy except one - Jasmine brown.
Doesn't she like Alex? But why is she looking at zayden the way I look at him.
Whatever it is, no ways I am leaving anyone to snatch zayden from me..
NO ONE... !!


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