Chapter 9 Pad Thai And A Nap

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"Cissero, of course," I muttered, looking at him in confusion. "Who else would I be talking about?"

Pierce flushed, actually flushed before quickly moving away from me to go study the pictures on the book shelves. I couldn't help it. I laughed.

I put my hand over my mouth to stifle the sound but Pierce heard it anyway. He turned back to face me with his hands thrust into the front pockets of his chinos and a surly expression adorning his face.

His expression made me laugh all the more.

For the first time since meeting this man I finally seemed to be the one getting under his skin instead of the other way around. It was a nice feeling, though I wasn't sure what exactly I had done to make it happen. But seeing his face, I didn't think I really cared. As math never failed to teach me, the results most times, were all that mattered.

The silence stretched. It wasn't uncomfortable though. I closed my eyes again as I heard Pierce wander around my living room. I could hear him occasionally lift something up and put it back down but I wasn't interested enough to see what they were and I certainly didn't worry that Pierce Lucciano was trying to pilfer any of my belongings.

A slight tap from the front of the house interrupted the quiet room and sent Cissero cannoning towards the door as if a foghorn had blown. I quickly opened my eyes and made to stand but Pierce waved me back, indicating I should keep sitting as he made his way to the door, reprimanding Cissero as he did so, who still bounced around like a rabid kangaroo, barking his deep bark.

I stifled a smile as I watched Pierce try to calm the excited dog, knowing he didn't have a chance in hell. Cissero was the best dog ever, but when it came to the front door, nothing could hold him back.

The front door was his everything. It always brought him something every time it opened, be it a new toy, a new friend, or me home to him. Who wouldn't be thrilled with a magic portal like that?

Pierce managed to grasp Cissero's collar and hold him in place as he called to Marcus to come in. As soon as Marcus shut the door behind him Pierce let go of the dog and snatched the bags out of Marcus's hand in rapid succession. Pierce headed towards the kitchen with the takeout and left Marcus to fend for himself against my boisterous dog.

"I'll take him for a walk so you can eat in peace," Marcus spoke up and I nodded back, timidly smiling my thanks. Marcus was an extremely large man not prone to smiling. Everything about him screamed intimidation and I suitably was.

I sat the chair back up from its reclining position as Pierce walked back into the living room with two plates filled with something that smelled amazing. My stomach grumbled loud and long.

Pierce chuckled as he handed me the plate and I ducked my head down in embarrassment. I'd always hated when my stomach growled when sitting in class whether in high school or college. It had always been so mortifying to be singled out like that by my own treacherous stomach.

It wasn't any more enjoyable happening in front of Pierce.

I grabbed the full plate of pad thai and began scarfing it down. I was aware of Pierce taking a seat and starting in on his food as well, but I didn't pay him much mind. At the time I was beyond hungry and I only had one thing on my mind.

Pierce seemed to understand because he stayed silent and simply ate his food, leaving me alone. I cleaned my plate in no time, but I was still hungry. I started scraping my fork along the plates edge, hoping to get just another taste.

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