Chapter 17 Shoulder To Lean On

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Archer and I walked into my living room late Friday night. Cissero greeted us with his usual exuberant self. Archer hugged and loved on him as I walked into the living room and flopped down tiredly onto the couch. We had just come from the wedding rehearsal and dinner. I was exhausted.

The rehearsal and dinner itself hadn't required much from me. That wasn't why I sat here now with my head back against the cushion and staring blankly at the ceiling. No, it had been the socializing required during the dinner that left my mind numb.

It felt as if several musical jolly chimps had clanged their horrid cymbals repeatedly in my ears. It was the same sensation you got when you left a concert, only concerts were fun. As much as I love Archer, I can't really say his wedding rehearsal could classify as the same.

My cheeks had been pinched by so many elderly people I had wanted to leave. Archer and Percy had arranged the seating so we all were together. Being me amongst the five of them when introductions were made, comparisons naturally got made. My sore cheeks were paying the price for my being baby faced and vertically challenged.

Branson and Noah had enjoyed my discomfiture. Mick had been suitably understanding. I hadn't said a word though, not wanting to rain on Archer and Percy's party. I had instead smiled until it hurt. By the end of the gathering my cheeks hurt from the inside out.

Archer, with a giddy boxer following close behind, walked over to the sofa opposite me and sank down. He sighed aloud. It sounded tired but happy. I opened my eyes to look at him. His eyes were closed but a large smiled stretched his face. Without realizing it my mouth copied his.

Archer opened his and looked at me, his umber colored orbs widening at me in surprise. I raised my brows at him only then recognizing the beaming grin decorating my face. My smile faltered, slipped, and then disappeared completely as I blushed.

"Oh no!" Archer exclaimed, quickly closing the distance between us to plunk down beside me and grab my hand turning me towards him. "No, no, no, no, no!" he uttered shaking his head with a determined look on his face.

I cocked my head and frowned slightly back at him and his reaction.

Archer grinned down at me.

"I opened my eyes but it was like I was still dreaming! When I opened them and saw you beaming at me instead of giving me that typical small Jackson smile you give everyone, everywhere, every day I knew it couldn't be real, but I knew I wasn't when I saw it disappear. Now I want it back!"

Archer had placed his hands on my shoulders as he spoke and was now mock shaking me by them. He was cajoling me and harassing me and all but bouncing me around demanding his smile.

Without meaning to, I did. And more. I started giggling and then laughing, the large man literally shaking the unusual sound from my mouth.

Archer started laughing as well while my dog jumped around us wanting to play, too. Archer stopped his shaking but he didn't let go of my shoulders. Both of our laughter finally died down. I still had what felt like a silly grin plastered on my face while Archer's look became more thoughtful.

It made me blush.

"Something is different about you," he finally commented.

His eyes traveled over me from head to toe then. He gave me a thorough inspection that made my blush deepen. It wasn't sexual. It was more personal than that.

"I noticed you did better at dinner tonight but I knew you were trying really hard for me but just now," he grinned down at me. "Just now you had this genuinely lovely smile on your face that brightened those almond eyes of yours in a way I have never seen."

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