Chapter 20 Chicken

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***The babies are growing so fast aren't they!" 

I hope you enjoy the newest chapter and thank you for your patience! 😘

I reentered the numbers into the spreadsheet and sighed in relief when it finally gave me the numbers I wanted. I placed my elbows on my desk and leaned my forehead against my palms. That was the third mistake I had made in less than an hour. That wasn't like me at all.

I closed my eyes and let my mind drift. I should have known where it would take me. I was once again back at the wedding, sitting at the round table surrounded by well-intentioned friends. Well-intentioned, incredibly nosy, overly concerned friends.

Their faces when I had said Pierce's name had almost been comical. Other than Archer and Percy, the other three could not hide their initial show of dislike and frustration, even though they had known what I was going to say. They had tried, for my sake, to swiftly disguise that show of distaste but I had already seen it. Had already expected it.

In truth, after their initial response, they had mostly shown worry and concern. There had been warnings voiced and caution advised. And there had been pep talks galore. Those had pretty much added up to 'don't worry there are plenty of fish in the sea' like anecdotes.

Then there had come the big whispered question by none other than Branson. Blue eyed, blonde haired, all American boy Branson had asked the question I guess they had all discussed at one time or other about me.

'Are you gay?'

I have to be honest and say the question caught me off guard. I guess I should have expected it and I definitely shouldn't have been surprised Branson had the audacity to actually voice it and at the wedding no less.

Archer and Percy had reacted with affronted frowns and scolded him immediately. He had looked shame faced but I could tell he was curious and I could tell Noah's and Mick's thoughts and question were on par with his.

After a moment's thought I didn't think they were being unreasonable. I did think Branson could have been more circumspect and picked a better time to ask but I didn't resent him asking. All of us had shared openly over the years, though I was more reserved than them.

Also, I simply had less to confess?

As I had never dated, never shown interest, it wasn't surprising nor wrong for them to be curious about me especially as I had just admitted to them that Pierce was having some sort of effect on me. And considering Pierce was who he was and had acted the way he had, my friend's concerns couldn't be seen as invalid either.

Thankfully though I hadn't had to say a word because in the next moment Archer and Percy were being called for as it was time to cut the cake.

I had watched as Percy crammed a huge chunk of cake into Archer's mouth while Archer had followed that up with smearing mostly frosting across Percy's lips. A pretty heated kiss had followed.

Needless to say, in the end Percy hadn't needed a napkin.

After the cake cutting I had decided to kill time at the buffet and had tried to circumnavigate our table for the rest of the reception. It had meant I had to talk more, which didn't exactly make it my best plan ever but it had allowed me to avoid any more personal inquiries.

The moment that stood out for me most though was towards the end. It is what had been lingering in my mind ever since.

All of the single females had first been lined up and Archer had thrown them his boutonnière in their own variation of the bride throwing the bouquet. Many giggles were exchanged as a feisty curly haired girl had snatched it out of the air, her towering height giving her an edge.

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