Chapter 39 Smashed To Smithereens

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I grinned as I finished up my report, saved it, and powered down my laptop. Three weeks later and I was anything but disappointed.

Since that night at Pierce's house our friendship had cemented and the casual aspect of our relationship had definitely crossed over to personal and was starting to inch even closer to intimate. Though we were not yet lovers, I knew that would change soon.

Pierce wanted it to. I was pretty sure he had wanted it to almost from the first day, though he never pushed me. It was, surprise, surprise me that was holding up that side of things. Though in the last few days I started to realize that was no longer the case.

The kisses lasted longer. The hugs were tighter. The hands wandered further. Saying goodbye was getting more difficult. And all of this was just what I was feeling. The way Pierce trembled against me, the way his voice got gruffer and his body tighter made me know I wasn't alone.

My grin grew as my mind wandered to all the intimate moments we had shared thus far and my heart raced as I thought about what was to come.

I sighed out deeply as I glanced at my watch. First things first, though. Pierce and I had to get through tonight.

We'd finally arranged that gathering between Pierce, Branson, Noah, Mick, Archer, Percy, and me. It was supposed to be a casual get together just like any other but my friends weren't just any other kind of friends and Pierce was most certainly not just any other kind of man.

Tonight, would be interesting to say the least.

Pierce genuinely wanted to get on better footing with my friends. He knew their importance in my life. He knew it was what I wanted most. He'd quipped a few times that it would be much easier on him if I would just ask for a new car or house or race horse. I always just laughed and shook my head at him. My relationship with my friends was priceless. Money wouldn't fix this problem.

Thankfully though, with a little bit of help from Archer and his better half, I had high hopes Pierce would be able to win them over in the end.

The first part of the plan had already been initiated. With Peirce's permission I had talked with Archer and told him some of Pierce's story. I'd left out details but said enough to give Archer the gist. In turn Archer had shared what he knew with the others. My hope was that they would at least see Pierce's mindset that night.

I didn't expect all to be forgiven over night but I hoped it would at least open them up enough to give him, at the least, a chance. That is all Pierce would need.

Though he could be obnoxious and arrogant and snarky as hell, Pierce when it came to me, was different. He didn't miraculously turn into a teddy bear nor did he become a big old softy.

He was just Jackson-sensitive.

If he could make me happy, he would. If he could decrease my worries, he would. If he could make my friends like him, he would. For me. It was only one of the things I loved about him.

And I did love him.




I was pretty sure he loved me, too.

We hadn't exchanged the actual words, yet. I felt them though. Every time he smiled at me or kissed me or held my hand. Whenever we ate dinner out or strolled hand and hand during a leisurely walk. Whether we were playing with Cissero or Ziggy, playing pool or tennis, or just lazing in the pool.

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